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Neurorehabilitation and Biomechanics Research Section

A view of the Functional and Applied Biomechanics lab at the Clinical Center

The Neurorehabilitation and Biomechanics Research Section (also referred to as the NAB LAB) is a multidisciplinary group of highly qualified scientists, clinical and technical staff, and trainees with varied backgrounds including medical, physical therapy, neuroscience and biomedical engineering expertise.

When Dr. Diane Damiano was chosen to lead the Section in 2008, she transformed the motion analysis laboratory to one that incorporates neuroscience and engineering with motor control and biomechanics to conduct innovative research to assess, enhance or restore motor functioning in children with cerebral palsy. We use state-of-the-science technologies such as mobile brain imaging, robotic exoskeletons and neurofeedback devices to assess and train motor capabilities.

Dr. Damiano, a tenured Senior Investigator, and Dr. Thomas Bulea, a tenure-track investigator, are the two Principal Investigators within the Section, both utilizing a team science approach that leverages the wide range of talents and expertise in our Section. Dr. Damiano leads the Pediatric Imaging and Neuroplasticity Team (PINT) and Dr. Bulea leads the NeuroRobotics Group (NRG).

Our section is further charged with evaluating patients with complex motor disabilities from institutes across the NIH and providing clinical, biomechanical, and engineering proficiency and support to other Clinical Center protocols. Other research-related roles of our Section are to establish productive scientific collaborations with other scientists at the NIH, academic institutions, foundations, and industry, nationally and internationally; and to train the next generation of neurorehabilitation researchers and clinicians.

Note: prior to the recent name change, we were the Functional & Applied Biomechanics Section.

For information regarding the Neurorehabilitation and Biomechanics Research Section, please contact us:

Neurorehabilitation and Biomechanics Research Section
National Institutes of Health
Bldg 10 CRC Rm 1-1469
10 Center Dr. MSC 1604
Bethesda, MD 20892-1604

Phone: 301-451-7529
Fax: 301-451-7536