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75 results
Neural and Psychological Mechanisms of Pain Perception (No MRI)

Neural and Psychological Mechanisms of Pain Perception (No MRI)

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health seek healthy volunteers to participate in a research study. The purpose of this study is to better understand how pain and emotions are processed in the human brain and influenced by psychological factors. This is an outpatient study that may involve moderate but tolerable pain. Researchers are studying how thoughts, feelings, and learning influence pain and perception.
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Neural and Psychological Mechanisms of Pain Perception (with MRI)

Neural and Psychological Mechanisms of Pain Perception (with MRI)

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health seek healthy volunteers to participate in a research study. The purpose of this study is to better understand how pain and emotions are processed in the human brain and influence by psychological factors. This is an outpatient study that may involve moderate but tolerable pain (while having an MRI). Researchers are studying how thoughts, feeling, and learning influence pain and perception.
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Children's Growth and Behavior Study

Children's Growth and Behavior Study

Researchers at the NIH Clinical Center are seeking healthy children for a study of growth and health behaviors. The purpose of the study is to better understand growth in children and adolescents.
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Natural History and Genetics of Food Allergy and Related Conditions

Natural History and Genetics of Food Allergy and Related Conditions

The NIH is seeking children ages 2 and older with a history of eczema to participate in a study to identify better ways to diagnose food allergies. Participants do not need to have food allergies. Through this study, we hope to improve the ways food allergies are diagnosed and managed in children with eczema. Participants will not be charged for any service offered, including medications, and medical insurance is not required.
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Clinical and Scientific Assessment of Pain and Painful Disorders

Clinical and Scientific Assessment of Pain and Painful Disorders

Researchers in the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health at the National Institutes of Health seek healthy volunteers to participate in a study investigating how our brain responds to pain. This study will allow researchers to collect information that may be used to learn more about pain disorders and how we respond to painful experiences.

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Impact of Elastin Mediated Vascular Stiffness on End Organs

Impact of Elastin Mediated Vascular Stiffness on End Organs

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) seeks healthy volunteers for a study about blood vessel stiffness. In this study, healthy volunteers will be compared with patients with rare genetic conditions that affect the blood vessels. All study-related procedures are provided at no cost and compensation is provided.

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Genomic Services Research Program

Genomic Services Research Program

Genetic testing sometimes tells a person or family unexpected results. These genetic test results are unrelated to the initial reason why the testing was done. These kinds of results are called "secondary results" or "secondary findings." If you or a member of your family have been given a secondary result please consider partnering with us on this research.
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Screening of Healthy Volunteers for Investigational Antimalarial Drugs, Malaria Vaccines, and Controlled Human Malaria Challenge

Screening of Healthy Volunteers for Investigational Antimalarial Drugs, Malaria Vaccines, and Controlled Human Malaria Challenge

Researchers at National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center are recruiting healthy adults, ages 18-50, to undergo an initial assessment to determine if they will qualify for future malaria studies. These future studies may involve evaluation of experimental medications, vaccines, and vaccine strategies to prevent malaria.
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