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Are You Worried About Your Child's Eczema?

A child holding a sign that reads Do you have eczema?

The NIH is seeking children ages 2 and older with a history of eczema to participate in a study to identify better ways to diagnose food allergies. Participants do not need to have food allergies.

We know that food allergy is more common in kids that have eczema. We also know that kids who have eczema can often be misdiagnosed with food allergy through IgE and skin prick testing. This leads to unnecessary food avoidance. Through this study, we hope to improve the ways food allergies are diagnosed and managed in children with eczema.

Participants will receive a thorough eczema evaluation and medications for management of their eczema. Education and guidance regarding eczema care will also be provided. As needed, participants will receive support in managing their food allergies including allergy testing and medication.

Participants will not be charged for any service offered, including medications, and medical insurance is not required.

The study takes place at the NIH Clinical Center, America's Research Hospital in Bethesda, MD. We are on the Metro red line (Medical Center stop).

For more information:
NIH Clinical Center
Office of Patient Recruitment
800-411-1222 (Ask for study #15-I-0162)
TTY users dial 7-1-1
Se habla español

Or go online:
Refer to study #15-I-0162

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases