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63 results
The NIH Lyme Disease Studies Unit is looking for healthy volunteers

The NIH Lyme Disease Studies Unit is looking for healthy volunteers

Each year, the number of cases of tick-borne diseases increases. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Lyme Disease Studies Unit is looking for healthy volunteers to participate in a research study to learn more about how the human immune system responds to tick bites.

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Do you or someone you know want to participate in a clinical research study?

Do you or someone you know want to participate in a clinical research study?

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) seek healthy volunteers to provide blood samples for research studies of blood vessels and immune diseases that cause clotting. In this study, investigators want to understand the basis of these diseases to facilitate the development of better treatments.
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Urinary Vitamin C Loss in Diabetic Subjects

Urinary Vitamin C Loss in Diabetic Subjects

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center seeks volunteers with type 1 or type 2 diabetes to join a research study. If your diabetes has affected your eyes, kidneys, or other organs you may be interested in participating. Researchers want to learn how the body controls vitamin C levels in those with diabetes.
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Collection of Blood, Bone Marrow, and Buccal Mucosa Samples from Healthy Volunteers

Collection of Blood, Bone Marrow, and Buccal Mucosa Samples from Healthy Volunteers

Doctors at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) seek healthy volunteers for a research study that is collecting bone marrow samples from healthy adults. Samples will be used for clinical research in the Hematology Branch and are indispensable for many research projects, including studies of normal and abnormal blood cells in the human body, blood diseases, the role of the immune system in marrow failure; and the genetic risk factors for aplastic anemia.
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Clinical and Genetic Studies in Familial Non-medullary Thyroid Cancer

Clinical and Genetic Studies in Familial Non-medullary Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer accounts for the vast majority of all types of cancer and little is known about the possible genes that may cause the cancer. An estimated 5% of all thyroid cancers are hereditary. If three or more first-degree relatives are affected, there is a greater than 94% chance that these cases are familial non-medullary thyroid cancer (FNMTC). Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are conducting a research study to develop the best ways to evaluate, determine best screening strategy, and identify genes that may indicate vulnerability to FNMTC.

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Oral Bacteria and Immune System Problems Involved in Gum Disease (Periodontitis)

Oral Bacteria and Immune System Problems Involved in Gum Disease (Periodontitis)

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center seek adults with or without gum disease (periodontal disease) to join a research study. Doctors want to learn how a person's immune system affects the health of the mouth. Compensation will be offered.
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Energy Expenditure Responses to Different Temperatures

Energy Expenditure Responses to Different Temperatures

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center seek healthy women to participate in a research study. Doctors want to learn how the body burns energy at different temperatures. Compensation is provided.
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Tooth and Tissue Sample Collection During Wisdom Teeth Removal

Tooth and Tissue Sample Collection During Wisdom Teeth Removal

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research at the NIH Clinical Center is looking for volunteers who need to have their wisdom teeth removed. Researchers will evaluate people who need to have their wisdom teeth removed. The removed wisdom teeth will be studied and used for further research.

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