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Healthy Volunteers Wanted

Study on Disease of the Mouth

two elderly people smiling

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center seek adults with or without gum disease (periodontal disease) to join a research study. Doctors want to learn how a person's immune system affects the health of the mouth. Compensation will be offered.

Study Procedures Include:

  • One 1-hour screening visit and one 2-hour outpatient visit
  • An oral exam, medical and dental history
  • Dental X-rays and photos
  • Blood, urine and saliva collection
  • Gum biopsy
  • No cost for participation or any tests associated with the research

Do You Qualify?

You may qualify for this study if you are:

  • 18 or older
  • Healthy with no other chronic conditions
  • A non-smoker

You may not qualify if you:

  • Have a history of an autoimmune disorder such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis; diabetes; HIV; hepatitis B or C
  • Have a bleeding disorder or take medications such as blood thinners
  • Are pregnant or breast feeding
  • Have had radiation therapy to the head or neck

Location: The NIH Clinical Center, America's research hospital, is conveniently located on the Metro Red Line (Medical Center stop) in Bethesda, Maryland.

For more information:
Call the Office of Patient Recruitment: 1-800-411-1222
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Or go online:
Refer to study # 12-D-0100

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center (CC)
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)