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More About Interventional Oncology

How does fusion technology help with targeted drug delivery?

Dr. Bradford Wood, director of the Center for Interventional Oncology, describes the new technology that maps a patient's anatomy to precisely locate tumors, enabling doctors to deliver drugs that destroy it.

Fusion biopsy for prostate cancer featured in the Journal of the American Medical Association

Comparison of MR/Ultrasound Fusion-Guided Biopsy for the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

MR/Ultrasound Fusion Biopsy for Prostate cancer

Prostate Fusion Biopsy and Ablation: What is "medical GPS"?

In "How technology creates smart methods for treating cancer," Dr. Wood explains how technology gives surgeon's the information they need to provide better care.

In "What is medical GPS?" Dr. Wood talks about how medical GPS allows doctors to better identify the locations of tumors.

In "Is cancer fusion technology widely accepted?" Dr. Wood describes how cancer fusion is becoming a standard therapy.

What role do biopsies play in personalized medicine?

Dr. Wood explains how biopsies help doctors determine the unique characteristics of a tumor and use that to personalize treatment.

What is focused ultrasound?

Dr. Wood discusses how a focused ultrasound works to treat tissue and deploy drugs.

What are new innovations in cancer research?

Dr. Wood describes how drug device combinations, made smarter with imaging, can rev up the immune system, helping it fight off tumors throughout the body.

Working at the NIH

Dr. Wood talks about why he likes working here.

Dr. Wood explains why students like working in interventional oncology.