3 Ways You Can Join a Study
You can explore an extensive registry of publicly supported clinical studies conducted mostly in Bethesda, MD, and find a study that fits your symptoms.
You can call our Office of Patient Recruitment at 800-411-1222 and speak with one of our Information Specialists or email our Information Specialists at ccopr@nih.gov.
Search research studies taking place at the the NIH Clinical Center for specific studies matching your symptoms.
Patient Services & Travel

Sign in or sign up for our FollowMyHealth Patient Portal to streamline your patient experience with easy access to your NIH Clinical Center medical records, educational materials, form downloads and submissions and more.

You may have to fill out a form called a health or medical record release form, or request for access—send an email, or mail or fax a letter to your provider.

Patient testimonial videos, current and former patients share their experiences.
What's Happening At The Hospital

The NIH Clinical Center is proud to announce it has been designated as a Magnet® with Distinction hospital by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Magnet Recognition Program.

Learn more about the Surgery, Radiology and Laboratory Medicine wing currently under construction that will help ensure the Clinical Center continues to provide high-quality patient care alongside cutting-edge biomedical research.

VisitNIH is a new pre-registration process that aims to reduce the amount of time visitors will spend waiting to check in at the visitor entrances of eligible NIH facilities.
En Español: Información para el Paciente

Bienvenido al Centro Clínico de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (Edificio 10). Gracias por acceder a participar en investigación clínica.

Los servicios de trabajo social, proporcionados por trabajadores sociales diplomados y acreditados en trabajo social, son integrados con el trabajo de otros departamentos, unidades de atención al paciente, clínicas e institutos, para asegurar la continuidad de la atención y proveer cuidado integral.

Esperamos que esta página provea información útil que ayude a que su visita al Centro Clínico de los NIH sea lo más placentera posible.

Our Guiding Principles
Individual and collective passion for high reliability in the safe delivery of patient-centric care in a clinical research environment.
- Excellence in clinical scientific discovery and application
- Compassion for our patients, their families and one another
- Innovation in both preventing and solving problems
- Accountability for optimal use of all resources
- Commitment to professional growth and development