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Tailoring Mobile Health Technology to Reduce Obesity and Improve Cardiovascular Health in Resource-Limited Neighborhood Environments: A Multi-Level, Community-Based Physical Activity Intervention

African-American Women Needed as Research Volunteers

two women smiling

two women smiling and jogging

African-American women, ages 25-75, who are obese or overweight and pre-diabetic, are needed to participate in a research study at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD. Researchers want to explore if the use of mobile technology and coaching can help increase physical activity.

You may be eligible if you:

  • Are an African-American woman, 25-75 years old, obese or overweight and pre-diabetic
  • Live in Washington, DC, wards 5,7,8, or Prince George's County, MD
  • Have a smartphone that will work with the mobile app being used in the study
  • Are willing to wear the wrist-worn physical activity device needed for the study for approximately six-and-half months

You may not be eligible if you:

  1. Are pregnant
  2. Have had bariatric surgery or "weight-loss" surgery
  3. Are currently enrolled in a weight-loss program and/or structured exercise program

During this study, you will:

  • Fill out a survey about health beliefs and behaviors
  • Have a physical exam and blood testing
  • Receive the wrist-worn device and mobile app to measure exercise
  • Receive instructions on how to use the device and mobile app to keep track of your exercise and measure of your exercise level
  • Be assigned to the group who receives personalized or tailored coaching or the group receiving standard coaching
  • Use the wrist-worn device and mobile app for approximately six and one-half months
  • Receive compensation for your participation

Location: The study takes place at the NIH Clinical Center, America's research hospital, in Bethesda, MD. We are on the Metro red line (Medical Center stop).

For more information, call:
Office of Patient Recruitment
TTY users dial 7-1-1
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Or go online:
Refer to study #17-H-0162

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute