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Healthy Volunteers Needed

Do Alcohol Use and Early Life Stress Affect Your Ability to Stay Calm?

A close-up shot of a woman

Doctors at the National Institutes of Health seek healthy volunteers 21 - 65 years of age to participate in a study researching if alcohol dependence and early life stress affect the ability to learn to feel calm. All study-related tests and procedures are provided at no cost to the study participant. Compensation may be provided.

Study information:

  • Screening with a medical history, psychological testing, physical exams, and blood tests
  • 2 day, 1 overnight stay at the Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland
  • Willingness to sign a consent to participate in the study

Location: The NIH Clinical Center, America's research hospital, is conveniently located on the Metro Red Line (Medical Center stop) in Bethesda, Maryland.

For more information:
Call: 800-411-1222
TTY users dial 7-1-1
Se habla español

Or go online:
Refer to study # 15-AA-0127

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism