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Mediterranean-like Unprocessed (CLEAN-MED) Diet Intervention Study of the Gut Microbiome of Healthy Adults

a table spread of healthy foods

Gut health: Mental Health, Metabolic Health, Immune Health illustrated diagram

The gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria and plays a very important role in our health. A study at the NIH is measuring the changes within the gut environment in healthy adults when switching from a traditional Western diet (low in fiber, high in saturated fat) to a Mediterranean-like unprocessed foods (CLEAN-MED) diet. The idea of this study is based on the well-known health benefits of a healthy Mediterranean diet, eating unprocessed foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, and the potential role that gut health may play in health and disease.

You can participate in this study if you:

  • Are 18-60 years old
  • Have a BMI between 18 and 35 (Calculate your BMI)
  • Can attend on-site visits
  • Have access to a computer or smartphone, and the internet

Study design:

  • Some food will be provided for the CLEAN-MED diet
  • Participants will log the food they eat and answer questions throughout the entire study
  • Participants will provide stool, urine, and blood samples throughout the study
  • Options include a 9-week study or a yearlong study.

Location: The NIH Clinical Center, America's Research Hospital is located in Bethesda, MD on the Metro red line (Medical Center stop).

For more information:
NIH Clinical Center Office of Patient Recruitment
TTY users dial 7-1-1

Or go online:
Refer to study # 000871-CC

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center (CC)