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CADASIL Research Study: Healthy Volunteers Needed

Would You Like to Participate in Clinical Research as a Healthy Volunteer?

a group of people smiling

graphic illustration depicting a human head thinking of a heart

Researchers at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) are looking for healthy volunteers for an observational research study to examine genetic and physical characteristics of the small vessel disease called CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarct and leukoencephalopathy).

Eligible participants include:

  • Healthy adults ages 18 and older

What is involved:

  • General health assessment and evaluation
  • Laboratory tests
  • An MRI of the brain
  • An eye exam
  • An optional skin biopsy
  • Non-invasive tests of blood flow and tissue perfusion

There is no cost to participate, and compensation is provided.

The NIH Clinical Center, America's Research Hospital, is located in Bethesda, MD, on the Metro Red Line (Medical Center stop).

For more information:
NIH Clinical Center Office of Patient Recruitment
TTY users dial 7-1-1

Or go online:
Refer to study # 000413-H

Follow us on Instagram @nih_ccopr

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center (CC)
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)