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Gena Bergvall, DNP, RN, AGACNP-BC, AGCNS-BC, ACCNS-AG, CCRN, CNRN | Ann Peterson, PhD, RN, APRN-CNS, CMSRN | Steve Risch, DNP, RN, CCNS, CCRN | Leslie Smith, DNP, MSN, RN, APRN-CNS, BMTCN, AOCNS | Susan Smith, DNP, APRN, ACNS-BC | Patricia Todd, DNP, RN, APRN, PCNS-BC, CPEN | Assumpta Ude, PhD, CNS, CRNP | Myra Woolery, PhD, RN, APRN-CNS, CPON

Clinical Nurse Specialist, Neuroscience Specialty
Email: eugena.bergvall@nih.gov
Dr. Eugena (Gena) Bergvall practiced as a clinical neuroscience and neurotrauma bedside nurse for over 16 years. She graduated with her Doctorate in Nursing Practice from University of Maryland Baltimore(UMB) and is tripled board certified as an Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist, and Clinical Nurse Specialist Acute Care. She earned her BSN from University of Utah in 2003. She has worked in multiple Trauma and Neuro Critical Care Units throughout her career.
She is a preceptor for DNP students for UMB, an Honorary Clinical Preceptor for Walden and Grand Canyon University. She is part of the development team and content expert for the Neuroscience Nursing Education Series 1.0 for the NIH CCND. She also co-designed the development of the new EBP Fellowship program and EBP Research Innovation Council.
She serves on the Board of the Chesapeake Bay Affiliate National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist (NACNS). Dr. Bergvall most recently was a contributor and subject matter expert for the American Association of Neuroscience Nursing (AANN) new Epilepsy Certification course and modules. She also is the lead author for the Epilepsy chapter in the upcoming AANN Core Curriculum for Neuroscience Nursing, 7th edition and contributor for the first NACNS Adult-Gerontology CNS Certification Review book.
Clinical Focus: Neuroscience Nursing
- Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AG ACNP-BC)
- Adult Gerontology Acute Care Clinical Nurse Specialist (AG CNS-BC)
- Clinical Nurse Specialist; Wellness through Acute Care Adult Gerontology (ACCNS-AG)
- Certified Critical Care Nurse (CCRN)
- Certified Neuroscience Registered Nurse (CNRN)
- Nursing Practice Council
- Clinical Practice Council
- Magnet Core Team
- EBP Research Innovation Council
- Clinical Nurse Specialist Forum
- NINDS Clinical Practice Council
- Standardization Committee
- Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic Committee
- Board member of the Chesapeake Bay Affiliate NACNS
Teaching Focus:
- Neuroscience Nursing
- Epilepsy Nursing
- Evidence Based Practice
Current Program Interest/Research/ Evidence Based Initiatives:
- Neuroscience Nursing Education Series
- EBP Fellowship: Co-director with interests in Implementation Science
- Fall Program
- EBP Initiative: Code Lavender
- CNS Student Mentorship
- Technology integration at the bedside
Honors and Awards:
- National Institutes of Health Clinical Center 2020 CEO Award: Safety and Quality Award
- Elizabeth Furhimer Gardner Outstanding Women in the Health Sciences Award 2003; University of Utah
Selected Presentations and Publications:
Bergvall, E.; (2021). Contributor Ch. 24. Multisystem (Pathophysiology) Toxic exposures, ingestion and inhalation. In Shay, A. and Powers, J. Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist Certification. Springer Publishing Company, LLC
Bergvall, E., Walter, S.; Von Gaudecker, J.R. Ch. 14. Epilepsy [in press], (2021). In Linda R. Littlejohns, DaiWai M. Olson, and Molly McNett: AANN Core Curriculum for Neuroscience Nursing, 7th Edition. American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, Chicago, IL.
Bergvall, E. Fecske, E.; (October 2020). On behalf of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses 2020 Abstract Consortia, The Epilepsy Toolkit: Developing and Implementing Standardized Clinical Observations Document Tools to Improve Management. Posters of the 2020 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses Annual Meeting: The Year There Was No Wall on Which to Hang Them, Journal of Neuroscience Nursing: Volume 52 - Issue 5 - p E11-E12 doi: 10.1097/JNN.0000000000000541
Bergvall, E. and Risch, S.; (2019). “Ensuring evidence-based practice in critical care: Structure, process and outcomes,” Nurse.com Powered by Relias. On Course Learning.
Bergvall, E.; Smith, L.: (August 2020). Roles of the Clinical Research Nurse at the nation’s largest research hospital. American Association of Neuroscience Nursing International Neuroscience Nursing Research Symposium (INNRS).
Bergvall, E. (February 2020). Code Lavender: Improving nursing resiliency” Washington Regional Nursing Research Consortium (WRNRC) Educational Offering. Journey into Nursing Research. Bethesda, MD.
Bergvall, E.; Ariguzo, D.; (April 2020). The Epilepsy assessment toolkit: Developing and implementing standardized clinical observation & documentation tools to improve seizure management. American Association of Neuroscience Nursing; 52nd Annual Educational Meeting: Illuminating Opportunities in a Time of Change.
Ann Peterson, PhD, RN, APRN-CNS, CMSRN
Clinical Nurse Specialist, NIH Clinical Center Nursing Department
E-mail: apeterson1@cc.nih.govBiography
Diploma, Mercy College of Nursing, San Diego, CA, BS Chemistry Zoology, Utah State University, Logan, UT, BSN/MSN University of Utah College of Nursing, Salt Lake City, UT, PhD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Services.
Clinical Focus:
Clinical specialty areas include respiratory and infectious disease. She consults with patients providing clinical care and education for airway clearance, utilization of devices and therapies including meter dose inhalers, spacers, nebulized antimicrobials and active cycle breathing. She worked in West Africa on two National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases studies for Ebola vaccines and antiviral treatments in Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Service (Internal & External):
- Clinical Nurse Specialist Forum
- Nursing Practice Council
- Clinical Practice Council
- Nursing Research Participant Education Committee
- Hospital Infections Committee at the Clinical Center
- Member of the Respiratory Nursing Society and Interprofessional Collaborative, frequently serving as a board member
Current Program Interest/Research/ Evidence Based Initiatives:
- Clinical research includes serving as a Principle Investigator (10-CC-0149) for a study of Pulmonary Nontuberculous Mycobacterial infection with a focus on inflammatory cytokines and microbiology of respiratory secretions.
- Associate Investigator role for two studies of nebulized nitric oxide in patients with respiratory infections (18-I-Phase 2 Trial of Gaseous Nitric Oxide (gNO) Treating Respiratory Infections in Bronchiectasis; 17-H-0169
- Experimental Treatment of an Individual Patient with Cystic Fibrosis and Mycobacterium abscessusLung Infection with Nitric Oxide Given Intermittently via Inhalation).
Selected Honors and Awards:
- 2020 Tannia Cartledge Clinical Research Nursing Mentorship Award
- 2018 NIH CC CEO Award for the High Flow Oxygen Therapy Committee Work
- 2018 NIH Nursing Department Chief Award for Clinical Support
- 2015 NIH Director’s Award for NIH Ebola Patient Care Response Team
Selected Presentations and Publications:
Peterson. A. M. (2021). COVID-19 Vaccines, 2021 Virginia Clinical Nurse Specialist Virtual Pharmacology Update-Being Prepared for Prescriptive Authority, Presentation June 11, 2021. Roanoke, VA
Peterson, A. (2020). PREVAIL VII/HONOR TB Skin Testing Class and Practicum, Monrovia, Liberia, Africa. Virtual Presentation, September, 2020.
Bogdanovski, K., Chau, T., Robinson, C. J., MacDonald, S.D., Peterson, A.M., Mashek, C.M., Wallin, W.A., Rimkus, M., Montgomery, F., da Silva, Gupta, S., Ghaffari, A., Zelazny, A.M., and Olivier, K.N. (2020). Antibacterial activity of high-dose nitric oxide against pulmonary Mycobacterium abscessus disease. Access Microbiology 2020, DOI 10.1099/acmi.0.000154., pp. 1-10.
Peterson, A. (2019). Journeys into Nursing Research: Inflammation and Infection, SUSON Research Day, Innovations in Advanced Nursing Practice. Winchester, VA Dec. 6, 2019.
Peterson, A. (2019). Respiratory research updates nebulized nitric oxide and influenza vaccines. Presentation session at the Annual Conference of the Respiratory Nursing Society and Interprofessional Collaborative, Roanoke, VA.
Peterson, A., Krueger, K., MacDonald, S. D., Laprat, J., Premkumar, A., Huss, D., Jeffries, K., Fatungase, F., Robinson, C. J., and Mashek, C. (2019). Role of Clinical Research Nurses: First in the United States- Nebulized Nitric Oxide Therapy for Pulmonary M. abscessus Infection. Poster session presented at the Annual Conference of the Respiratory Nursing Society and Interprofessional Collaborative, Roanoke, VA.
Olivier, K.N., Peterson, A.M., Robinson, C. J., MacDonald, S.D., Montgomery, F.J., Bathe, D.P., & Rimkus, M.V. (2018). Treatment of Refractory Mycobacterium abscessus Lung Infection with Inhaled intermittent Nitric Oxide. 3rd National Bronchiectasis Conference, Washington, D.C.
Peterson, A. Kueger, L., MacDonald, S.D., Premkumar, A., Huss, D., Jeffries, K., Fatungase, Fl., Robinson, C., & Mashek, C. (2018) Role of Clinical Research Nurses: 1st in the United States Nebulized Nitric Oxide Therapy for Pulmonary M. abscessus Infection. Maryland Nurses Association’s Annual Convention, November 1, 2018, Baltimore, MD.
Peterson, A. (2017) Discharge Education for Nebulized Antimicrobials through the Use of Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Poster Presentation, Respiratory Nursing Society, 27th Annual Educational conference, September 15-16, (2017), Roanoke, VA.
Jones, I., Koly, C., Peterson, A. & Mashek, C. (2016) Clinical Research nurses manage patients with multi-drug resistant and extensively drug resistant TB. Maryland Nurses Association’s Annual convention. October 13-14, 2016, Baltimore, MD.
Peterson, A. (2016). Inter-Professional Respiratory Care of Patients with LTBI/MDR/XDR TB, Advancing the frontiers, respiratory research: 26th Annual Respiratory Nursing Society Conference, October, 2016, Rochester, MN.
Peterson, A. (2016). Research and Humanitarian Global Health Work in Liberia and Sierra Leone, Respiratory Research: 26th Annual Respiratory Nursing Society Conference, October, 2016, Rochester, MN.
Eckes, EJ, Gutierrez, D, Peterson, A, Hubbard, M, Barrett, K, Matlock, A M. Educating Health Care Providers in Treatment of Patients with Ebola Virus Disease,(2016) Critical Care Nurse, 36 (5):14.
Steve Risch, DNP, RN, CCNS, CCRN
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Oncology
Email: steve.risch@nih.govBiography
Dr. Risch has extensive experience as an advanced practice nurse. He brings 23 years of diverse nursing experience, 16 years as a CNS in critical care.
Dr. Risch completed his Doctorate of Nursing Practice in Health Care Quality from the George Washington University and his MSN as a Critical Care CNS at Marymount University, and BSN from SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse.
He has served as the project lead for multiple patient safety and quality initiatives focused on pain control, prevention of delirium, improving patient’s mobility and prevention of hospital acquired infections. Dr. Risch has further demonstrated his leadership ability through the publication of multiple scholarly activities ranging from publications, podium and poster presentations. He is a faculty associate at the University of Maryland, School of Nursing.
Clinical Focus:
- Oncology
- Oncology Emergencies
- Acute and Critical Care
- Quality Improvement Science
- Implementation Science
- Adult Certified Critical Care Nurse
- Adult Acute/Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist
Service (Internal & External):
- Fall Prevention Program
- NIH CC Patient Safety and Clinical Quality Secretariat
- Various Shared Governance Committees
- Past- President, Greater Washington Area Chapter of Critical Care Nurses
Teaching Focus:
- Acute/Critical Care Emergencies
Current Program Interest/Research/ Evidence Based Initiatives:
- Fall prevention
- Oncology Emergencies
- Management of Arrythmias in Oncologic patient
Selected Presentations and Publications:
Risch S. (2020) The effects of non-pharmacological interventions consisting of earplugs and eye masks, reducing environmental factor to improve self-reported sleep quality in ICU patients. Medstar Washington Hospital Center; Annual Research Conference, Washington, D.C. (Poster)
Risch S. (2020) The effects of non-pharmacological interventions consisting of earplugs and eye masks, reducing environmental factor to improve self-reported sleep quality in ICU patients. The George Washington University; Research Showcase Conference, Washington, D.C. (Poster)
Risch S. Rodriguez, N. & Jackson, MK. (2019) The effects of a standardized patient safety check list on reducing fall rates (2019). The Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses Annual Convention, Chicago, IL (Poster)
Bergvall, E & Risch, S. (2018) Implementation of the sleep order set to decrease the prevalence of intensive care unit delirium. Poster Presentation at the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS) 2018 Annual convention, Austin Texas
Warren, J. McLauphlin, M. Bardsely, J. Eich, J, Esche, C., Krokowski,L. S. Risch. (2016) Strengths and Challenges of Implementing EBP in HealthCare Systems. Worldviews on Evidence Based-Nursing Sigma Theta Tau International (13)-1 15-24
Risch, S. “Taking a Walk through the Brain Neuro-assessment for the Non-neuro Nurse,” (Invited Speaker) National Teaching Institute and Critical Care Exposition, American Association of Critical Care Nurses. Orlando Florida. May 2012.
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Oncology/Stem Cell Transplant
Email: leslie.smith2@nih.govBiography
Leslie has been an oncology nurse for 29 years. She has primarily worked in acute leukemia care most of her career with bedside nursing experience for 19 years. She has also worked as a home health nurse, nurse manager and in the past 11 years, as an Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist.
She has presented on evidenced based practice for current nursing management of surgical oncology patients, nursing management of patients receiving CAR-T cell therapy, developed classes for OCN review, and managed a nurse residency program for nurses new to oncology.
Leslie has broad experience as an oncology nurse mentor and teacher.
Current Program Interest/ Research Projects:
Leslie’s interest is in variables that determine nurse to patient ratios and what defines safe staffing levels. Leslie is committed to the development of the bedside nurse professionally as well increasing autonomy and knowledge of nurses at the bedside.
Certifications: AOCNS, BMTCN
Service (Internal & External):
- Fall Prevention Program
- Surgical Administrative Committee
- Pharmacy and Therapeutics
- Nursing/Pharmacy Chemotherapy/Biotherapy Committee
- NIH CC Patient Safety and Clinical Quality Secretariat
- Various Shared Governance Committees
- National Capital Chapter Oncology Nursing Society
- Chesapeake Bay Affiliate National Clinical Nurse Specialists
Honors and Awards:
- 2021 Oncology/Critical Care Nurse Executive Award
- 2020 NIH CEO award 3NE Telemetry education
- 2020 CEO award Hepatic Pump Education 3SES
- 2017 Excellence in Nursing-Oncology/Critical Care Chief’s Award
Current Program Interest/Research/ Evidence Based Initiatives:
- Falls Prevention
- Accurate blood culture collection
- Capnography monitoring for patients on PCAs or high doses of opioids
Selected Presentations and Publications:
Smith, L. (June 2021). Biologics and immunotherapy: What you should know. WOCNNext 2021 Annual Conference. Virtual presentation.
Smith, L. (August 2021). Lymphoma essentials for oncology nurses. 5th Annual School of Nursing Oncology. Virtual presentation.
Smith, L. (2021). Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 37(2), 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soncn.2021.151135
Smith, L., Aaron, J. Mikula, M., Kolakowski, D. (February 2020). To Infinity and Beyond: Developing a Nursing Cellular Therapy Program of Care. Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida. (Poster)
Anderson, V. and Smith, L. (2020). Cancer immunotherapy update: Review of immune checkpoint inhibitor and CAR T-cell therapy adverse effects and treatments. American Nurse Journal, 15(9), 2-9.
Boehm, L. M., Pun, B. T., Stollings, J. L., Girard, T. D., Rock, P., Hough, C. L., Hsieh, S. J., Khan, B. A., Owens, R. L., Schmidt, G. A., Smith, S., Ely, E. W. (2020). A multisite study of nurse-reported perceptions and practice of ABCDEF bundle components. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iccn.2020.102872
Susan Smith, DNP, APRN, ACNS-BC
Clinical Nurse Specialist, NIH Clinical Nursing Department
Email: Susan.Smith@nih.govBiography
BSN: Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH
MSN: State University of New York, Binghamton, NY
DNP: Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TXClinical Focus: Adult Critical Care
Certifications: Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist
Service (Internal & External)
- Clinical Nurse Specialist Forum
- Nursing Practice Council
- Clinical Practice Council
- Pressure Injury Prevention Leadership Committee
- Code Blue Committee
Teaching Focus: Adult CNS and DNP nursing students
Honors and Awards:
- 2019: Bill Aston Safety and Quality Award: Breakthrough Improvement. Reducing central line infection in patients with arterial lines. Baylor Scott and White Health
- 2018, 2017, 2016 & 2015: Society of Critical Care Medicine, Presidential Citation
- 2015: D Magazine Excellence in Nursing Award Winner: Adult Intensive Care
- Co-investigator for Masimo Centroid calibration and validation trial (RAMS006). IRB #017-021.
- Co-investigator for Volume-based versus Rate-based Enteral Nutrition in the Intensive Care Unit: Impact on Nutrition Delivery and Glycemic Control. IRB #017-069.
- Co-principal investigator for AHRQ (PAR-10-022) funded study: Implementing a Bundle to Improve ICU Delirium (IBID).
Selected Publications:
Boehm, L. M., Pun, B. T., Stollings, J. L., Girard, T. D., Rock, P., Hough, C. L., Hsieh, S. J., Khan, B. A., Owens, R. L., Schmidt, G. A., Smith, S., Ely, E. W. (2020). A multisite study of nurse-reported perceptions and practice of ABCDEF bundle components. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iccn.2020.102872
Smith, S. & Zwernerman, K. (2020). BSWH ICU Covid Surge Care Team Assignments. Retrieved from https://www.advisory.com/research/nursing-executive-center/expert-insights/2020/bswh-care-team-model-covid-19-surge
Aufricht, G., Hoang, J., Iglesias, J., Latiolais, H., Sheffield, H., Trejo, C., Holder, M., Smith, S., Garrett, J., Columbus, C. (2019). Analysis of central venous catheter utilization at a quaternary care hospital. Proceedings Baylor University Medical Center, 32(1): 1-4.
Smith, S., Chamblee, T., Falder-Saeed, K., Haight, K., Shuster, M., Waldo, M., & Yoon, H. (2017). Malnutrition in hospitalized adult patients: The role of the clinical nurse specialist. NACNS Task Force Report. Retrieved from http://nacns.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Malnutrition- Report.pdf
Smith, S. (2017). Using albumin and prealbumin to assess nutritional status. Nursing, 47(4), 65-66.
Selected Presentations:
Sept. 25, 2020. Podium presenter. Preparing for the Pandemic: Critical Care Nursing Preparation During a Pandemic. Society of Critical Care Medicine Texas Chapter. Houston, Texas.
March 29, 2020. Poster presentation. Intensive Care Delirium Association with Nutritional Adequacy, Serum Electrolytes and Glycemic Control. ASPEN Nutrition Science & Practice Conference. Tampa, Florida.
June 30, 2019. Poster presenter. Nursing research and participation of nurses in health services decision-making & policy development: A global perspective. International Council of Nurses. Singapore.
Nov. 4, 2018. Podium presentation. Where do the data go? CLABSI Prevention. Infusion Nurses Society National Academy. Washington, DC.
May 24, 2018. Podium presenter. Smith, S. Behind closed eyes: Monitoring balanced sedation. American Association of Critical-care Nurses National Teaching Institute. Boston, MA.
Feb. 28, 2018. Podium presenter. Feed me: Evidenced-based strategies for hospitalized adults to prevent patient harm from malnutrition. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists. Austin, TX.
Patricia Todd, DNP, RN, APRN, PCNS-BC, CPEN
Critical Care and Sedation Services, NIH Clinical Center
Email: patricia.todd@nih.govBiography
Dr. Todd’s pediatric experience/practice includes, NICU, PICU, pediatric sedation, emergency nursing, case management, educator and CNS. Her 30 years of Pediatric CNS experience crosses inpatient and outpatient care.
Dr. Todd received her Doctorate in Nursing Practice from George Mason University, Fairfax, VA in 2019. She earned her BSN and MSN (Parent/Child CNS) from Adelphi University, New York.
She is adjunct faculty at George Mason University where she instructs at the BSN and DNP level. She serves on the Board of the Virginia Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists as Social Media Coordinator.
Prior to her arrival at the NIH in 2017, she practiced in the Pediatric Emergency Dept. at a Level I Trauma Center in Northern VA for 10 years in the nursing director and CNS role.
Clinical Focus: Pediatric Critical Care
- Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist (PCNS-BC)
- Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse (CPEN)
- NCC Low Risk Neonatal Nurse (RNC-LRN)
- Nursing Practice Council
- Clinical Practice Council
- EBP/ Research/ Innovation Council
- CNS Forum
- Medication Safety Committee
- Stat Antibiotic Committee
- Pediatric Care Committee
- Board member of the Virginia Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists
Teaching Focus:
- George Mason University: Pediatrics and Evidence Based Practice
Honors and Awards:
- 2021 CCND Nursing Awards: Excellence in Teamwork Award
- National Institutes of Health Clinical Center 2020 CEO Award: COVID Nursing Training/Education Response
- George Mason University Doctorate in Nursing Practice 2019: Award for Scholarship
- National Institute of Health Clinical Center 2019 CEO Award: Blood Draw Volume Team Lead
Current Program Interest/Research/ Evidence Based Initiatives:
- ICU Fellowship: Pediatric
- Infant Gene Therapy
- Pediatric Bridge to Practice Course
- EBP Fellowship: Co-director with interests in Implementation Science
- QI Project: Blood Draw Volumes
- Hospice Education
- CNS Student Mentorship
Selected Presentations and Publications:
Todd, P., Keener, LA., Classen, A., Ballard, H, Cato, K. (February 2020) A Closer Look at Blood Draw Volume Practices in Research Patients across a Hospital System. Podium. Washington Regional Nursing Research Consortium, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Todd, P., Keener, LA., Classen, A., Ballard, H, Cato, K. (September 2020). Do No Harm: A Closer Look at Blood Draw Practices in Pediatric Research Patients. Association of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Nursing. Virtual. New York, N.Y.
Hudson, C., Cato, K., Keener, LA, Todd, P. (October 2020) One Size Can Fit All-Using Technology to Improve Clinical Research Coordination. International Association of Clinical Research Nurses. Virtual Washington DC.
Todd, P., Keener, LA., Classen, A., Ballard, H, Cato, K. (December 2020) A Closer Look at Blood Draw Volume Practices in Research Patients across a Hospital System. National Cancer Institute, Virtual. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Todd, P., Smith, L., Elliott, D., Bergvall, E & Kolakowski, D. (March 2021) Resurgence of the CNS in America’s Research Hospital and its Organizational Impact. National Association Clinical Nurse Specialist. Podium. Virtual.
Adye, R., & Todd, P. (March 2021) Becoming a CNS: Don’t let a global pandemic get in your way! National Association Clinical Nurse Specialist. Poster. Virtual.
Assumpta Ude, PhD, CNS, CRNP
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Metabolic and Endocrine Program
Family Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Center Nursing Department
Email: assumpta.ude@nih.govBiography
Dr. Assumpta Ude is a Clinical Nurse Specialist and Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner with more than 25 years of professional nursing experience. She obtained dual Masters of Nursing from the Catholic University of America, Washington D.C. She earned her Ph.D. in Public Health with specialization in Community Health Education in 2019.
She co-designed a diabetes prevention program while in graduate school and completed doctoral research that examined the hypertension experience of African immigrant women living in the United States.
Dr. Ude is currently the Clinical Nurse Specialist for Metabolic, Endocrine, Liver, Pulmonary/Lung disease program, and Diabetes Service. She currently provides qualitative research design oversight for a community-based study exploring dietary behavior intervention in African-Americans at risk for cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Ude is a member of the Global Network of Public Health Nursing Council involved in editorial, conference planning, and budgeting. She founded a non-profit community health outreach collaborating with local and international universities in developing education, training programs to support the best community health practice.
She has published in peer-reviewed journals. She is a recipient of several awards that include “National Institutes of Health Clinical Center CEO Patient safety and Innovation Award” Excellent at writing policies, procedures, reviewing and identifying gaps in clinical trials and protocols.
Dr. Ude’s research interest includes examining social health determinants and sustainable community-centered interventions to improve diabetes, cardiovascular health disparities in underserved ethnic minority populations.
Clinical Focus: Endocrine, Cardiovascular and Community Health Nursing
ANCC, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner.
RN, Maryland and compact states.
Basic Life Support, American Heart Association.Service:
- Nursing Practice Council
- Clinical Practice Council
- Point of Care Testing Steering Committee
- Surgical Administrative Committee
- Radiation safety Committee
- Nursing Information Systems Committee
- Nursing Research Participant Education Committee
Select Teaching and Mentoring Projects:
- CCND Immunology & Endocrinology Nursing Course
- DNP Capstone Evidence-Based Project Mentor, "Impact of Purposeful Hourly Rounding on Fall Incidence in a Subacute Unit,” Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, Arizona.
- MSN Graduate Student Capstone Project Mentor, “Caring for Homebound Congestive Heart Failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients on Tele-Health,” Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, Arizona./li>
Teaching and Mentoring Focus:
- Graduate Nursing Student Research and Project Supervision- Fall 2018
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse interview and orientation
- Clinical Research RN mentorship
- Select Immunology Nursing Case Studies
- Endocrinology Nursing Course
Select Honors and Awards:
- NIH CCND Award for Commitment to Professional Growth, 2020.
- CEO Award for Patient Safety Champion, National Institutes of Health/Clinical Center, 2018 & 2019
- CEO Award for Innovation, National Institutes of Health/Clinical Center, 2019
- Leadership and Success Scholar, Walden University, 2018
Current Research Projects:
- Associate Investigator-Exploring a Dietary Behavior Intervention in African-Americans at risk for Cardiovascular Disease: A Community Acceptability and Feasibility Study.
- Protocol Concept Development Reviewer: COVID-19, Chronic Adaptation and Response to Exercise (COVID-CARE). A Randomized Trial.
- Integrative Review of Literature: The psychological and sociocultural determinants of health affecting adherence to prescribed care regimen in youths/adolescents with T2DM transitioning to adult diabetes care.
Select Presentations and Publications:
Ude, A.O., Lin, F.I., Pacak, K & Demissie, E. (2020). Inoperable, Metastatic Pheochromocytoma & Paraganglioma Tumor Size Reduction after Lu-177-DOTATATE (Lutathera®) Treatment Trial: The Role of Nursing. Journal of the Endocrine Society.
Ude, A. (2019). Hypertension Health Disparities in Foreign-Born African Immigrant Women: Health Care Service Utilization and Evidence-based Practice Initiative. Research presented at Shenandoah University nursing research and evidence-based conference
Ude, A., Thomas, C., Ezeakolam, V. (2019). Use of Strategic Communication and Nurse Championed Interdisciplinary Team Approach to Reduce Glucose Management Events. Poster presented at INOVA nursing research and evidence-based conference
Saidkhodjaeva, L., Evans, K., Myers, M., Ude, A (2019). Patients on Radiation Isolation for I-131 Treatment: Nursing Consideration. Poster Presented at Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses
Warrick, A., Varadarajan, S & Ude, A.O (2017). Healthy Eating for Diabetes Management (Podium and Poster presentation at Bowie State University, Food Day Symposium).
Ude, A. O., Hardie, S & Scott, S (2018). A Multidisciplinary Unit-based Nursing Education Intervention to Achieve Optimal Blood Glucose in Patients with Diabetes Undergoing 18FDG PET/CT Scan(Poster presentation at INOVA nursing research symposium).
Ude, A.O, & Mayhew, M.S. (2013). Diabetes detour: act now to diagnose prediabetes in at-risk patients. Adv NPs PAs. 4(4):27–28.
Myra Woolery, PhD, RN, APRN-CNS, CPON
Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist; Neurology, Behavioral Health and Pediatrics Services
Email: mwoolery@cc.nih.govClinical Focus: Hematology/ Oncology/ Transplant