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More Staff Will Be on Campus. Here's How to Make the Best of It

Clinical Center News

Photo of buildings on the NIH campus, including the East side of the NIH Clinical Center
Drone image of the NIH campus, including the East side of the NIH Clinical Center.

The number of staff and vehicles on the NIH campus are going to increase. Here are some tips to help Clinical Center staff adjust to this new environment.

Currently, 1,000 more parking passes have been distributed than there are parking spaces at NIH. That means parking is going to be tight. If you're driving to campus, plan accordingly and try to arrive early and exercise patience.

Make sure your parking permit is up to date. It should be displayed when parking on the Bethesda campus and at 6701 and 6705 Rockledge Drive, or you risk being issued a parking ticket.

Parking alternatives
NIH supports Carpool and Vanpool programs, has a transit subsidy for taking metro to work and has ample space to lock up bikes. There are also regular shuttles from off-campus sites, the metro and certain parking lots.

For questions about the parking-related matters or the NIH Transhare (public transportation) program, visit the Employee Transportation Services Office or email.

For shuttle and general transportation information, visit the shuttle information website.

Campus construction
Adding to the complexity of extra cars and people is the detours and modified traffic patterns caused by ongoing construction projects as the Clinical Center adds to its architectural footprint. Up to the minute traffic updates are available from ORS.

You made it to campus and now you're famished. But you realize you forgot your lunch box at home. Not to worry, the Clinical Center and NIH have a number of food options.

Building 10 food options
The cafeteria on the 2nd floor of the hospital has closed, but there are other alternatives.

B1 cafeteria – open Monday to Friday for breakfast service from 7 am - 9 am and lunch service from 11 am - 2 pm
North Atrium coffee bar – open Monday to Friday from 6:30 am to 5 pm
Coffee bar next to the FAES bookstore - Monday to Friday from 7 am - 4 pm

The NIH Recreation and Welfare association sponsors food trucks during the week. The trucks will be cancelled if bad weather is predicted for the next day.

Food Trucks – Building 10 South, Lot 10 H – Monday to Thursday from 11 am to 2 pm
The vendors and their menus are listed online.

Snack options
B1 Concession Stand – open Monday to Friday from 6:30 am to 5 pm
Vending machines – various floors in Building 10. Available 24/7

The Office of Research Services provides a map which lists all of the food options for the NIH campus.

ORS also has a list of its most frequently requested services.

The campus will be busier than it has been in a while. Please do what you can to be patient, courteous and kind. We're all in this together.