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CC collaborates with WRNMMC, USUHS

Clinical Center News

Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterWalter Reed National Military Medical Center is one of the nation’s largest and most renowned military medical centers.

In 2017, the National Institutes of Health Intramural Research Program, the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) have launched a partnership to share cutting edge medical care facilities and other resources while improving patient care, support collaborative research and expand training opportunities for personnel.

This agreement will expand access of NIH Clinical Center patients to specialty consultants, opportunities for military healthcare beneficiaries to participate in clinical trials at the CC; expand opportunities for military and CC medical staff to maintain clinical competency and to enhance the "combat" readiness of the military work force; and will enhance training collaborations and expanded access to a broader scope of patients for clinical fellows from both institutions.

WRNMMC is one of the nation's largest and most renowned military medical centers and is comprised of nearly 8,500 staff members. WRNMMC serves U.S. active duty military, military families, veterans and national leaders.

The USUHS is the nation's federal health professions academy, which place an emphasis on military health care, leadership, readiness and public health. USUHS offers graduate degrees in medicine, clinical psychology, biomedical sciences and public health.

The three neighboring federal facilities, located across 500 acres in Bethesda, Md., will capitalize on each other's strengths, enable patients to smoothly transfer to and from NIH and WRNMMC and take advantage of the clinical expertise of each institution.

"This is a unique opportunity to capitalize on opportunities for learning and practice for personnel, employees and trainees to develop the best and brightest health professionals and leaders of the future," said Dr. Frederick P. Ognibene, deputy director for Educational Affairs and Strategic Partnerships at the Clinical Center.

This agreement builds on previous cooperation between the Clinical Center and Walter Reed. Since 2012, the two institutions have collaborated on educational resources for staff and critical care fellows in the Critical Care Medicine Department at the Clinical Center.