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Clinical Center staff recognized for outstanding achievements

Clinical Center News

Dr. John I. Gallin honors staffDr. John I. Gallin honors staff from various departments throughout the hospital at the 2016 NIH CC Director's Annual Address and Awards Ceremony.

2016 NIH CC Director's Annual Address and Awards Ceremony

At the Clinical Center Director's Annual Address and Awards Ceremony on Dec. 16, 2016, Dr. John I. Gallin, then director of the Clinical Center, honored staff from various departments throughout the hospital.

"This is one of my favorite annual events, because it gives us a chance to recognize all of the hard work and dedication that is integral to our success," Gallin said.

"This year, we have faced many challenges and uncertainty and responded with strength and opportunity. We reacted to change in positive ways, investing even more in our hospital and our mission. I am very proud of the accomplishments that we have made during this year of transition."

He recognized Clinical Center staff who are NIH leaders on the front lines of patient care and safety as well as clinical research and innovation. Highlights included recognition for excellence in customer service, patient support, mentoring, scientific advancements, medical records management, improving quality of work life and training.

Gallin also thanked staff for the medical advances made during his tenure as director for the Clinical Center and said he was looking forward to his new roles as NIH associate director for clinical research and chief scientific officer of the Clinical Center.

Read the program (221 KB) (NIH only) or view the photos (NIH only) from the ceremony.

2016 NIH Director's Awards

During the 2016 NIH Director's Awards, Dr. Francis S. Collins, director of the NIH, recognized numerous NIH Clinical Center staff for their outstanding contributions over the past year. The NIH Director's Awards are intended to recognize exceptional performance and special efforts of NIH staff that are directly related to fulfilling the NIH mission. Three Clinical Center staff received individual awards recognizing their contributions to leadership, administrative and clerical support and mentoring.

Rebekah Geiger was recognized for excellence in leading Clinical Center administrative policy development, governance support, strategic plan monitoring, and oversight of operations of the Edmond J. Safra Family Lodge.

Daniel McAnally was noted for his unwavering administrative and clerical support of Clinical Center educational activities, including Grand Rounds, Demystifying Medicine and the core clinical research curriculum benefitting the NIH.

Ruth Kirschstein received recognition for her exemplary performance while demonstrating significant leadership, skill and ability in serving as a mentor.

Clinical Center staff was also recognized through group awards for their exceptional service.

Timothy Salo was nominated by the NIH Center for Information Technology for his work with the nVision R12 Project Team.

Dave Wendler was nominated by the National center for Complimentary and Integrative Health for his work with the Ethics of Pragmatic Clinical Research Group facilitating research on the ethics of large-scale pragmatic trials that compare different standards of care within the NIH Collaboratory Program

Jon McKeeby was nominated by the National Human Genome Research Institute for his work with the NIH Clinical Center Genomics Opportunity Program Team which established the first NIH Clinical Center genomic test with CLIA-compliant exome sequencing.

Barry Goldspiel was nominated by the NIH Office of the Director for his work with the Team to Assure Sterile Products for human Administration at NIH for essential assistance in identifying alternatives to products formerly made by the Pharmaceutical Development Section at the Clinical Center.

Rebekah Geiger was nominated by the NIH Office of the Director for her work with the NIH-Wide Strategic Plan Working Group for significant contributions toward developing and NIH-wide Strategic Plan.