The Clinical Center, in partnership with the Office of Research Facilities and the Office of Research Services, is in the process of repairing the ramp connecting the P-1 level with the P-2 level of the parking garage in Building 10. After 39 years of use, the ramp has deteriorated to the point it needs extensive repair to strengthen the structure.
Beginning, Aug. 9, 2017, the aging ramp will be closed for approximately three months. As a result, all employee traffic parking in P-2 and P-3 must enter and exit the garage via the P-3 entrance. There is no change to patient, patient visitor, handicap and P-1 special permit holders parking on the P-1 level. It is important to note that the garage will remain open for parking—this construction only impacts the direction by which staff enter and exit the garage.
To manage the volume of staff vehicles attempting to enter the P-3 entrance, between 5:30 am — 9 am, the NIH has established a new traffic pattern on Center Drive to Memorial Drive with queuing lanes to expedite the required inspection process. These queuing lanes will begin in front of the Clinical Research Center (north side of Building 10). View a graphic depiction of the travel lanes. Additional police direction will be on hand to assist drivers during this period.
During the 5:30 am — 9 am morning rush, vehicles will not be able to exit from P-3. Employees who need to leave during that timeframe should consider parking in alternative locations, including MLP-9, Lot 10H and other surface parking lots. Additional temporary lighting will be installed on the pedestrian walkway connecting the MLP-9 parking structure to the Bldg. 10 entrance to address security concerns.
The Office of Research Facilities, the Office of Research Services and the Clinical Center appreciate your patience and understanding as we complete these important repairs to the ACRF parking garage. For questions regarding construction, please contact the Office of Research Facilities Project Officer, Howard Drogin, at