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Choose to make a difference: Take the NIH Workplace Climate and Harassment Survey today

Clinical Center News

Open through March 25
Workplace Climate and Harassment Survey. Take the Survey now.

The NIH Workplace Climate and Harassment Survey launched Jan. 28 and is open for open to NIH employees, contractors, fellows, and special volunteers to take through March 25.

Participating in the survey gives an opportunity to provide feedback on the workplace climate at NIH. Responses to the survey will help NIH identify necessary steps to improve the overall professionalism and safety of NIH work spaces.

Participation is voluntary and responses are confidential and anonymous. NIH staff can take the survey on their computer (work or personal) or on a smart phone (work or personal). Learn more about how to take the survey.

For additional privacy, the following rooms are located at the Clinical Center and open 7:00 am – 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday:

  • Room 4C434
  • Room 4-2480

The results of the survey are expected to be shared in the second half of 2019 to the NIH community via a report in aggregate (summary) form. The report will be publicly available.