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Mindfulness may lower stress for healthcare staff

Clinical Center News

People sitting cross legged and meditating

A brief mindfulness intervention appeared to reduce stress among health care professionals, according to results of a randomized clinical trial published in JAMA Network Open in August.

The study was led by Dr. Rezvan Ameli, a NIH National Institute of Mental Health representative to the Clinical Center Pain and Palliative Care Service. Ameli recruited 82 participants from the Clinical Center: 45 attended a mindfulness-based self-care (MBSC) program and 37 participants were allocated to a "life-as-usual" control group.

The study assessed the efficacy and feasibility of a brief MBSC program during work hours to reduce stress among health care providers, who were recruited through group emails and flyers posted at the hospital.

Typically, effective mindfulness-based programs last a combined total of 30 hours and are difficult to implement during work hours. In shorter programs of less than 4 hours, the benefits have been inconclusive.

After the program, the MBSC participants reported reduced levels of stress and anxiety, improved positive affect, and mindful self-care. Meanwhile, the control group showed no changes in these outcomes.

The clinical trial found that a 7.5 hour program in mindfulness training during work hours was feasible and effective in reducing stress among a group of health care professionals.

"Engaging both individual and organizational involvement toward reducing stress and enhancing mindfulness may have far-reaching effects on employee health, patient outcomes, and organizational success," the authors concluded. "The effect of employee gains on patient outcomes remains an important subject for future inquiries."

- Debbie Accame

Each Thursday at 2:00pm, Ameli leads a 30-minute online session in mindfulness. Participants are guided through a meditation experience and then have an opportunity for questions. Staff, register with your NIH email address. Questions? Email:

View Ameli's recorded introduction to mindfulness meditation during stressful times — which includes tips for coping during the pandemic.