The Annual Influenza Immunization Clinic for staff opened Monday, Sept. 26 and will close Nov. 4.
Influenza immunization of healthcare personnel is essential to patient safety. The Clinical Center's mandatory influenza immunization policy applies to all NIH staff who have face-to-face contact with patients or who work in patient care areas.
Similar to last year, the vaccine is offered by appointment only through an online registration system.
The on-campus vaccination site has returned to the NIH with the Clinical Center hosting the shots on the east side of the Building 10 7th floor atrium. There are also additional off-campus locations. View a full list of clinics.
There are additional COVID-19 safety measures in place. Staff providing vaccines are carefully following infection-control procedures.
Staff arriving for a flu shot must wear a face mask and follow all physical-distancing requirements.
Those who have previously been exempted for severe egg allergy will now be immunized with an egg-free vaccine. The high-dose vaccine for those who are 65 and older remains egg based.

- Maria Maslennikov