Hemochromatosis is a relatively common inherited condition in which the body absorbs excess iron. Over many years, iron overload can develop, with deposition of excess iron in body tissues and organs. Disabling arthritis, glandular failure, and severe liver disease can occur if the disorder is not treated. The treatment is phlebotomy therapy, or removal of 1 unit (1 pint) of blood every 1 - 16 weeks, depending on the level of iron overload. One pint of blood contains 250 mg of iron. Serial frequent phlebotomy sessions are a highly effective way to lower body iron levels.
The blood units removed therapeutically may be made available for transfusion into others if the donor (with hemochromatosis) meets standard blood donor eligibility criteria. Phlebotomy therapy is offered free of charge to all donors with a valid doctor’s prescription, regardless of whether they meet blood donor criteria.
To learn more about donating if you have hemochromatosis, call or email the BSS Clinical Research Nurse at (301) 435-3049.