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Double Red Cells by Apheresis

Double red cell apheresis (DRCA) is a donation option that allows a donor to give two units of red cells during a single donation, instead of one. Blood is drawn from a single needle in one arm into a machine which spins the blood down and separates it into its components. The red cells are drawn out into a special collection bag and the rest of your blood is returned to you through a single needle in the opposite arm.

Because you will be losing more red blood cells than usual during this procedure, donor criteria differ from those for whole blood donation. Donors must have a slightly higher fingerstick hemoglobin level of at least 13.3 gm/dL.

Minimum weight: 130 pounds
Minimum height: 5'1

Minimum weight: 150 pounds
Minimum height: 5'5"

Time it Takes

The time required to remove two units of reds cells is about 45 minutes. Because you'll be with us longer, there will be time to watch TV, read, or just chat with staff and other donors. Every effort will be made to make the experience relaxing and enjoyable.


You must wait 16-weeks between DRCA to allow the number of red blood cells in your body to return to a pre-donation level.

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