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NIH clinical trials need you – HIV research study, brain injury study and others now recruiting

Clinical Center News

For more information on trials listed below, or to learn about other available opportunities to participate in research studies, call the NIH Clinical Center Office of Patient Recruitment 1- 866-444-2214, TTY: 1-866-411-1010. Or email Se habla español.

Five people standing next to each other smiling

The NIAID Vaccine Research Center researchers seek persons 18-60 years old who are living with HIV for a research study. The study evaluates an investigational product targeting the HIV virus to determine if it is safe and can generate an immune response. Compensation is provided. Refer to study 18-I-0030. Email

Woman with scientific cap on her head plays a touch game.

Researchers at the NIH Clinical Center seek study participants 5 and older who have experienced a brain injury before the age of 13 that affects arm and leg movements. Cerebral palsy is an example of this type of brain injury. Researchers are investigating how the brain controls movement so we can design better treatments. Compensation is provided. Refer to study 13-CC-0110.

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NINDS researchers are seeking individuals with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) where persistent fatigue started after recovery from an infection. Study participation includes an initial inpatient visit of 5-10 days with up to 8 hours of testing each day. Some participants will be eligible for a second exercise stress study inpatient visit of 5-10 days with up to 8 hours of testing each day and overnight measurement at the NIH Clinical Center. No cost for study-related tests and procedures and you may receive compensation for your participation. Refer to study 16-N-0058.

Picture of men, women and children wearing a blue shirt that says volunteer on it

NCCIH seeking healthy volunteers 12 and older to participate in pain perception research study. Compensation provided. Refer to study 16-AT-0077.

Picture of a woman drinking orange juice and smiling at another woman drinking water in workout clothes

NCI is seeking women who are at risk for developing breast cancer. Researchers want to learn more about how certain cells progress to breast cancer. There is one screening visit and one study visit to the NIH Clinical Center to collect cells within the breast ducts. Compensation is provided. Refer to study 02-C-0077.

Picture of person winded, bending over, with ocean in the background

NHLBI researchers need volunteers at least 18 years old with lung disease to participate in a study looking at how to better measure the effects of lung disease. Study-related tests are provided at no cost and results are shared with you and your doctor. Compensation for travel is provided. Refer to study 96-H-0100.

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NHLBI researchers need volunteers with CLL or SLL for a new investigational treatment study. Researchers are adding pembrolizumab (an immunotherapy agent) to standard treatment. If you have received treatment for CLL and progressed OR have high-risk genetic changes, such as deletion 17p, TP53 mutation, NOTCH1 mutation, or complex cytogenics, you may be interested in participating. Refer to study 17-H-0118.

Skeleton picture with text that says Gut-Brain Connection

NIAAA seeks volunteers who drink any amount of alcohol for study on brain-gut relationship and alcohol use. There are 6 outpatient visits and compensation is provided. Refer to study 17-AA-0093.