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Healthy volunteers needed for clinical trial on how the body burns energy; NIH seeking patients for new trial researching hereditary stomach cancer

Clinical Center News

In September 2017, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases seeks healthy Caucasian females, 18-35 years old with a BMI 18.5-25 (calculate your BMI) to participate in a research study. Doctors want to learn how the body burns energy at different temperatures. You will have an 8 to 11-day inpatient stay at the NIH Clinical Center. Compensation is provided. Study #12-DK-0097 (cohort #4).

National Cancer Institute researchers need volunteers with hereditary stomach cancer or at risk for hereditary stomach cancer for a clinical study at the NIH Clinical Center. This study investigates hereditary forms of stomach cancer and the genes that may cause them. All study-related tests and procedures are provided at no cost. Study #17-C-0043.

For more information, call the Office of Patient Recruitment at 1-866-444-2214 (TTY 1-866-411-1010).