Mosquitoes beware! Researchers within the Clinical Center began a Phase 1 clinical trial in 2017 to protect humans against mosquito-transmitted diseases. The trial, led by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), is testing an investigational vaccine intended to provide broad protection against a number of diseases, such as Zika, malaria, West Nile fever and dengue fever by hindering the ability of mosquitoes to transmit such infections.
The investigational vaccine is designed to trigger an immune response to mosquito saliva rather than to a specific virus or parasite carried by mosquitoes.
As of late August, the clinical trial has enrolled 43 participants. Investigators are expected to enroll up to 60 healthy adults ages 18 to 50 years. Participants come to the Clinical Center and receive either an investigational vaccine or a placebo. Approximately 21 days after completing the vaccination schedule, participants return to undergo a controlled exposure to biting mosquitoes. Participants are not at risk of becoming infected with a mosquito-borne disease because the mosquitoes are not carrying viruses or parasites. Up to 10 mosquitoes from the insectary in NIAID's Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research are put in a feeding device that is then placed on each participant's arm for 20 minutes. The mosquitoes will bite the participants' arms through the netting on the feeding devices.
Afterward, investigators take blood samples from each participant at various time points to see if participants experience a modified response to the mosquito bites as a result of the vaccination.