Clinical Center employees contributed $138,202 to non-profit organizations locally and around the world that make a positive difference as part of the 2016 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).
The 10 core team coordinators and 71 keyworkers for the CFC campaign at the Clinical Center, worked together to reach out and raise awareness to all hospital staff. The CFC campaign ran from Sept. 28 — Dec. 31, 2016. Clinical Center fundraising activities included the annual Baking It Possible Clinical Center Bake Sale, which raised over $2,700, and the Dollars for Change fundraiser, which raised over $900.
This year, entries from the 2016 CFC NIH Director's Art Challenge "The Beauty of Science" were displayed in the Clinical Center's hallways to help raise awareness about the CFC.
Overall, the NIH raised more than $2.4 million, exceeding its goal by seven percent. Working together, the NIH and the Clinical Center helped "Show Some Love."