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NIH Continuing Medical Education activity provider upgrades record-keeping

Clinical Center News

Continuing Medical Education (CME) activities at the Clinical Center are moving online. This change affects those who attend or have recently attended NIH CME activity provided by Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine recently upgraded its CME record keeping to an online only system called CloudCME. With the new CloudCME record keeping system, attendees no longer have to sign in or manually complete a CME Self-Report Credit form to obtain CME for attending. Participants will also no longer have to wait until the end of the academic year to receive transcripts or certificates for proof of CME credits earned.

To verify the CME provider for an activity, contact that CME activity's coordinator for more information.

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine provided CME attendees can receive credit for attending the activity instantly by sending a text message from their mobile phones to the Hopkins CME phone number: 443-541-5052. This new CME record-keeping system makes it easier for the CME attendees to submit attendance and allows them online access to their CME transcripts/certificates on the Johns Hopkins CloudCME website [disclaimer].

NIH CME activities play an important role for many physicians and health care professionals in the NIH intramural program.

For instructions on how to use the new CloudCME record keeping system, attendees should contact the coordinator of that CME activity. General questions on NIH CME activities or the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine CME system, should be sent to the Office of Medical Education and Clinical Research Training's Daniel McAnally at