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Maryland Terps attend Rare Disease Day at NIH

Clinical Center News

Donna Gregory, Recreational Therapy chief, posed with athletes at the Clinical Center North entranceDonna Gregory, Recreational Therapy chief, posed with athletes at the Clinical Center North entrance.

Football players from the University of Maryland visited patients Feb. 27, 2017, during Rare Disease Day at NIH to inspire those battling uncommon illnesses. The Recreational Therapy Section of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department facilitated the athletes' visit. The collegiate athletes are part of the national nonprofit organization Uplifting Athletes [disclaimer], which supports outreach, research and education about rare diseases.

"Our objective here is to inspire [patients] and to really give back ... [T]hey look at the world with hope and happiness," said Maryland football player Adam Greene after visiting patients at the Clinical Center.

The goal of Rare Disease Day, which typically takes place annually on or near the last day of February, is to raise awareness about rare diseases and their impact on patients' lives. Rare Disease Day at NIH is sponsored by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences and the NIH Clinical Center. Nearly 1,000 people participated in this year's Rare Disease Day in person and by webcast.

Watch a video about athletes' visit.

NIH Rare Disease Day events, organized and sponsored by NCATS and the Clinical Center, promote research, educate public and empower patients. Watch the videocast.