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Staff encouraged to participate in FEVS

Clinical Center News

Staff encouraged to participate in FEVSStaff encouraged to participate in the 2017 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS).

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will launch its annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) May 8, 2017, to provide government employees with the opportunity to candidly share their perceptions of their work experiences, their agencies and their leaders.

The survey provides valuable insights that can help each agency to realize its mission and to develop effective strategies and tools for guiding improvement.

"The FEVS complements several employee communication strategies already underway to help improve the Clinical Center," said Dr. James Gilman, the NIH Clinical Center's CEO.

"Every employee can make an important contribution to the Clinical Center by engaging management in honest and constructive feedback," Gilman said. "Last year, we heard from 40 percent of you. This year, we want to hear from all of you to help us make informed management, operational and workplace quality changes and move the Clinical Center towards performance excellence in all areas."

Hillary Fitilis, the deputy chief operating officer of the Clinical Center and chief of the Office of Workforce Management and Development, added, "The ultimate goal of the FEVS is to provide management with the information that we need to build on the Clinical Center's strengths and improve challenge areas."

All full and part-time permanent employees and non-seasonal employees, including Title 42 and Commissioned Corps employees, who were on-board as of Oct. 30, 2016, are invited to participate and will be sent unique links via email from OPM to take the survey.

The FEVS takes about 20 minutes to complete and employees will have six weeks from the time the survey is launched to submit it.

Periodically, from May 8 to June 18, 2017, employees will receive reminders to complete the survey via email with the subject line, "2017 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey."

For more information on the FEVS, visit the Office of Workforce Management and Development's Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey web page (staff only).