Parsons, MD
Staff Clinician
Pediatric Hospitalist
Dr. Mike Parsons is currently a Pediatric Hospitalist Attending on the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Service at the NIH Clinical Center.
BS, University of Virginia
BA, University of Virginia
MD, University of Virginia
Dr. Parsons grew up in Olney, MD, before attending college and medical school at the University of Virginia.
After medical school, he completed general pediatrics residency at the University of North Carolina and pediatric cardiology fellowship at Johns Hopkins.
Prior to coming to the NIH in 2020, Dr. Parsons spent three years providing clinical care to complex pediatric patients as a Pediatric Hospitalist at Mt. Washington Hospital Pediatric Hospital, a 120-bed children’s hospital in Baltimore, MD. He is currently a Pediatric Hospitalist Attending on the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Service at the NIH Clinical Center.
He is married and has two young children and one dog.
- Inducted into UNC Academy of Educators, Chapel Hill, NC (2016)
- UNC Whitehead Medical Society Teaching Award, Chapel Hill, NC (2016)
- UNC Department of Pediatrics Harvey J. Hamrick Award for Excellence in Teaching (2014)
- Albermarle County Certificate of Merit in Recognition of Excellent Delivery of Emergency Medical Care (2010)
- Echols Scholar, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, (08/2004 – 05/2008)
Parsons, M, Greenberg, J, Parikh, C, Brown, J, Parker, D, Zhu, J, Vricella, L, Everett, A. Post-operative acute kidney injury is associated with a biomarker of acute brain injury after paediatric cardiac surgery. Cardiology in the Young. 2020 Apr; 30 (4): 505-510. [CDAWR]
Antoon, JW, Peritz, DC, Parsons, MR, Skinner AC, Lohr JA. Etiology and Resource Use of Fever of Unknown Origin in Hospitalized Children. Hosp Pediatr. 2018 Mar; 8 (3): 135-140. [CDAW]