Jihyun Esther
Jeon, PharmD, MBA, BCPS
Process Improvement Officer & Project Manager
Dr. Jihyun Esther Jeon has extensive experience in the pharmacy, clinical research and pharmaceutical industry.
BS, Seoul National University
MBA, International University of Japan
PharmD, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Service
Dr. Jeon possesses a wealth of expertise in clinical pharmacy, investigational drug management, and administration from her various roles in the pharmaceutical industry and hospital pharmacies such as Johns Hopkins Hospital, MD.
She obtained her BS degree in pharmacy from Seoul National University and her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Service. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and certifications as a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist and a Project Management Professional.
At the NIH Clinical Center, Dr. Jeon is a project manager and process improvement officer for the Pharmacy Department. She serves as a subject matter expert in project management, identifying gaps in department operations and processes and integrating them into the strategic planning of projects and/or programs and facilitating implementation across the Department, Clinical Center, and/or NIH as needed. Dr. Jeon was formerly the section chief of the IDCU, which provides support for intramural clinical trials with IND drugs in the NIH Clinical Center. She also participated as a member of the NIH IRB.
Outside of her professional life, Dr. Jeon enjoys traveling, playing tennis, and trying out new restaurants.
Mwakingwe-Omari, A., Healy, S.A., Lane, J. et al (J Jeon). Two chemoattenuated PfSPZ malaria vaccines induce sterile hepatic immunity. Nature. 2021; 595, 289–294
Acknowledged, Hanley DF, Thompson RE, MISTIE III Investigators. Efficacy and safety of minimally invasive surgery with thrombolysis in intracerebral haemorrhage evacuation (MISTIE III): a randomised, controlled, open-label, blinded endpoint phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2019 Mar 9;393(10175):1021-1032.
Jeon JE, Mighty J, Lane K, et al. Participation of a coordinating center pharmacy in a multicenter international study. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2016 Nov 15;73(22):1859-1868.