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Elliot B. Levy, MD

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Elliot B. Levy, MD

Staff Clinician

Radiology and Imaging Sciences

Dr. Elliot Levy is an associate research physician in the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences.

MD, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Levy was previously assistant professor of Radiology at Georgetown University Medical Center.

His research has focused on development of electromagnetic navigation systems for image-guided interventions, minimally invasive therapies for cancer, and immuno-oncology. He also supports research into portal hypertension and liver fibrosis in relation to Hepatitis C infection and the intestinal microbiome.

  • Georgetown University Radiology Residents’ Teaching Award 2005, 2008
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (JVIR)
  • Radiological Society of North America Research Seed Grant
  • NIH Bench-to-Bedside Grant

Book Chapters

Jelinek, J. and Levy, E. “Radiologic Considerations for the Diabetic Extremity” in Kominsky, Stephen (ed), Medical and Surgical Management of the Diabetic Foot. Mosby, St. Louis, 1994.

Levy, E. “Arterial Stents” in Baum, Stanley, and Pentecost, Michael J (eds). Abrams’ Angiography, Fifth Ed. Little, Brown, and Company, Boston, Mass.

Levy, E. “Retroperitoneal Biopsy: Indications and Imaging Approach” in Rastinehad AR and Siegel DN (ed), Interventional Urology, Springer, New York, New York

Journal Articles

Levy EB, Krishnasamy VP, Lews AL, Willis S, Macfarlane C, Anderson V, van der Bom IM, Radaelli A, Dreher MR, Sharma KV, Negussie A, Mikhail AS Geshwind JF, Wood BJ. First Human Experience with Directly Image-able Iodinated Embolization Microbeads. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2016; 39(8): 1177-1186

Meissner EG, Mclaughlin M, Matthews L, Gharib AM Wood BJ, Levy EB, Sinkus R, Virtaneva K, Sturdevant D, Martens C, Porcella SF, Goodman ZD, Kanwar B, Myers RP, Subramanian M, Hadigan C, Masur H, Kleiner DE, Heller T, Kottilil S, Kovascs JA, Morse CG. Simtuzumab treatment of advanced Liver Fibrosis in HIV and HCV-Infected Adults: Results of a 6-month Open-Lable Safety Trial. Liver Int 2016; 36(12): 1783-1792 PMID: 27232579

Duffy AG, Ulahannan SV, Makorova-Rusher O, Rahma O, Wedemeyer H, Pratt D, Davis J, Hughes M, Heller T, ElGindi M, Uppala A, Korangy F, Kleiner D, Figg W, Venzon D, Steinberg, Venkatesan A, Krishnasamy V, AbiJHoudeh N, Levy, E, Wood B, Greten T. Tremelimumab in combination with ablation in patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Hepatol 2017; 66: 545-551

Ashrafi K, Tang Y, Britoon H, Domenge O, Blino D, Bushby AJ, Shuturminska K, den Hartog M, Radaelli A, Negussie AH, Mikhail AS, Woods DL, Krishnasamy V, Levy EB, Wood BJ, Willis SL, Dreher MR, Lewis AL. Characterization of a Novel Intrinsically Radiopqaue Drug-Eluting Bead for Image-Guided Therapy: DC Bead LUMITM. J Control Release 2017; 250: 36-47

Gharib AM, Han MAT, Meissner EG, Kleiner DE, Zhao X, McLaughlin M, Matthews L, Rizvi B, Abd-elmoniem KZ, Sinkus R, Levy E, Koh C, Myers RP, Subramanian GM, Kottilil S, Heller T, Kovacs JA, Morse CG. Magnetic Resonance Elastography Shear Wave Velocity Correlates with Liver Fibrosis and Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient in Adults with Advanced Liver Disease. Biomed Res Int 2017; 2017: 2067479

Levy E, Peer C, Sissung TM, Venkatesan A, Pandalai P, Greten T, Hughes M, Garcia C, Peretti J, Figg W, Lewis A, Wood B. Pilot Study Comparing Systemic and Tissue Pharmacokinetics of Irinotecan and Metabolites following Hepatic Drug Eluting Chemoembolization. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology June, 2018