Jackson Hall, PT, PhD, MPA
Research Physical Therapist
Dr. Adrienne Jackson Hall is a research physical therapist in the Rehabilitation Medicine Department specializing in geriatrics and balance.
BS, Florida A&M University
MPA, Auburn University
PhD, University of North Texas
Dr. Jackson Hall is a board-certified clinical specialist in geriatric physical therapy. She is also a credentialed balance and falls professional, a certified exercise expert for aging adults, and a certified dementia practitioner.
Dr. Jackson Hall earned her BS in physical therapy at Florida A&M University and her PhD in applied gerontology at the University of North Texas. Additionally, she earned a Master of Public Administration with a specialization in health care policy and administration from Auburn University.
Prior to joining the NIH, Dr. Jackson Hall served as the director of clinical education for the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Florida A&M University. She has both clinical and classroom teaching experience at the undergraduate and graduate levels and is an American Physical Therapy Association Credentialed Clinical Instructor. Dr. Jackson Hall has lectured and published in the areas of geriatrics, gerontology and neurology.
- CEO Award, NIH Clinical Center , Rehabilitation Medicine Department Transformative Committee, 2021
- Faculty Scholars Program Award, University of Alabama Birmingham, Geriatric Education Center, 2013–14
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report: Implementation Strategies for Older Adults." Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2023
Alter KE, Acevedo AT, Jackson A. "Regional Rheumatic Disorders and Rehabilitation in Older Adults: An Update." Rheum Dis Clin N AM. 2018;44(3):453-473.
Jackson A. "Psychosocial Evaluation and Treatment." In: Lewis CB, Chui KK, Gray DL, Huber GM, eds. Physical Therapy for the Older Adult: Examination and Intervention: An Evidence Based Approach. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2018.