Platt, MD
Assistant Clinical Investigator
Dr. Platt is an Assistant Clinical Investigator with appointments in NIAID and the Critical Care Medicine Department at the NIH Clinical Center.
BA, Chemistry, Williams College
PhD, Microbiology, Boston University School of Medicine
MD, Boston University School of Medicine
Internal Medicine Residency, Boston Medical Center
Critical Care Medicine Fellowship, NIH Clinical Center
Infectious Diseases Fellowship, NIAID
Dr. Platt is currently an Assistant Clinical Investigator working with the Emerging Pathogens Section of the Critical Care Medicine Department. He cares for patients in the Intensive Care Unit at the NIH Clinical Center and on the Infectious Disease Consult Service for NIAID.
Dr. Platt earned his degree in Microbiology at the Boston University School of Medicine studying the innate immune response to vaccine adjuvants in the lab of Dr. Lee Wetzler.
His primary research interest is the cellular immune response to severe and emerging infectious diseases. His work encompasses pre-clinical and clinical studies of emerging and re-emerging high consequence pathogens including SARS-CoV-2, mpox, Ebola Virus Disease, and Lassa Fever. This work has taken him from patients cared for at the NIH Clinical Center, to NIAID’s high-containment Rocky Mountain Lab in Montana, to hospitals in West Africa.
- NIH Director's Award, 2024
- NHLBI Director's Award, 2024
- NIH Clinical Center CEO Award, 2023
- NIAID Fellows Day Award, 2023
- IDSA Trainee Award, 2023
Platt, A. P., Singh, M., Stein, S. R., Soherwardi, S., de Wit, E., Chertow, D. S. Replication-competent virus detected in blood of a fatal COVID-19 case. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2024 Jan;177(1):113-115. doi: 10.7326/L23-0253.
Platt, A. P., Bradley, B. T., Nasir, N., Stein, S. R., Ramelli, S. C., Ramos-Benitez, M. J., Dickey, J. M., Purcell, M., Singireddy, S., Hays, N., Wu, J., Raja, K., Curto, R., Salipante, S. J., Chisholm, C., Carnes, S., Marshall, D. A., Cookson, B. T., Vannella, K. M., Madathil, R. J., Soherwardi, S., McCurdy, M. T., Saharia, K. K., Rabin, J., Nih Covid-Autopsy, C., Grazioli, A., Kleiner, D. E., Hewitt, S. M., Lieberman, J. A., & Chertow, D. S. (2023). Pulmonary Co-Infections Detected Premortem Underestimate Postmortem Findings in a COVID-19 Autopsy Case Series. Pathogens, 12(7). doi:10.3390/pathogens12070932.
Stein, S. R., Platt, A. P., Teague, H. L., Anthony, S. M., Reeder, R. J., Cooper, K., Byrum, R., Drawbaugh, D. J., Liu, D. X., Burdette, T. L., Hadley, K., Barr, B., Warner, S., Rodriguez-Hernandez, F., Johnson, C., Stanek, P., Hischak, J., Kendall, H., Huzella, L. M., Strich, J. R., Herbert, R., St Claire, M., Vannella, K. M., Holbrook, M. R., & Chertow, D. S. (2023). Clinical and immunological correlates of vasodilatory shock among Ebola virus infected nonhuman primates in a critical care model. J Infect Dis. doi:10.1093/infdis/jiad374.
Stein, S. R., Ramelli, S. C., Grazioli, A., Chung, J. Y., Singh, M., Yinda, C. K., Winkler, C. W., Sun, J., Dickey, J. M., Ylaya, K., Ko, S. H., Platt, A. P., Burbelo, P. D., Quezado, M., Pittaluga, S., Purcell, M., Munster, V. J., Belinky, F., Ramos-Benitez, M. J., Boritz, E. A., Lach, I. A.,# Herr, D. L., Rabin, J., Saharia, K. K., Madathil, R. J., Tabatabai, A., Soherwardi, S., McCurdy, M. T., Consortium, N. C.-A., Peterson, K. E., Cohen, J. I., de Wit, E., Vannella, K. M., Hewitt, S. M., Kleiner, D. E., & Chertow, D. S. (2022). SARS-CoV-2 infection and persistence in the human body and brain at autopsy. Nature, 612(7941), 758-763. doi:10.1038/s41586-022-05542-y.
Marr, K. A., Platt, A., Tornheim, J. A., Zhang, S. X., Datta, K., Cardozo, C., & Garcia-Vidal, C. (2021). Aspergillosis Compli Platt, A., MacLeod, H., Massari, P., Liu, X., & Wetzler, L. (2013). In vivo and in vitro characterization of the immune stimulating activity of the Neisserial porin PorB. PLoS One, 8(12), e82171. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082171.
Platt, A., & Wetzler, L. (2013). Innate immunity and vaccines. Curr Top Med Chem, 13(20), 2597-2608. doi:10.2174/15680266113136660185.
Kieren A Marr, Andrew Platt, Jeffrey A Tornheim, Sean X Zhang, Kausik Datta, Celia Cardozo, Carolina Garcia-Vidal (2020). Aspergillosis Complicating Severe Coronavirus Disease. Emerg Infect Dis, 27(1). doi:10.3201/eid2701.202896.
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