Michael A.
Solomon, MD, MBA
Head, Cardiology Section
Co-Director, Translational Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Program, CCMD
Senior Research Physician, Cardiovascular Branch, NHLBI
Dr. Michael Solomon is a Senior Research Physician with a joint appointment in the Critical Care Medicine Department of the NIH Clinical Center and the Cardiovascular Branch of the NHLBI.
BS, Brown University
MD, New York University
MBA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. Solomon is a senior staff member of both the Critical Care Medicine Department at the NIH Clinical Center and the Cardiovascular Branch of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).
He completed his undergraduate degree at Brown University and his medical degree at New York University School of Medicine. After a residency at University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, he completed a Critical Care Medicine fellowship at the NIH Clinical Center. He returned to UT Southwestern Medical Center to complete a second fellowship in Cardiovascular Diseases. Subsequently, he joined the cardiology faculty of UT Southwestern specializing in caring for patients with advanced heart failure, pulmonary hypertension and those receiving a heart transplant. He returned to NIH in 2000, receiving a joint appointment in both the Clinical Center's Critical Care Medicine Department and the Cardiovascular Branch of the NHLBI. He supervises clinical activities relating to the fields of critical care cardiology and pulmonary hypertension and also has an active research profile, as the principal investigator on multiple protocols related to those clinical fields of interest.
Dr. Solomon serves as the Chair of the NIH Staff Clinician Council , Chair of the NIH Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, and Chair of the ACC Critical Care Cardiology Section Leadership Council.
Dr. Solomon's research interests include endothelial cell dysfunction and inflammation in pulmonary arterial hypertension, and organizational structures and outcomes in the delivery of critical care cardiology in the intensive care environment.
- NIH Staff Clinician of the Year Award, 2024
- Clinical Center Research Award for Staff Clinicians, 2020 & 2024
- NIH CC CEO Award 2020 & 2021
- NIH Director's Award, 2015
- Distinguished Service Award, American College of Cardiology Maryland Chapter, 2012
- NIH Principal Clinical Investigator, Bench-to-Bedside Award, 2011
- NIH Principal Clinical Investigator, Bench-to-Bedside Award, 2004
Vallabhajosyula S, Mehta A, Bansal M, Jentzer JC, Applefeld WN, Sinha SS, Geller BJ, Gage AE, Rose SW, Barnett CF, Katz JN, Morrow DA, Roswell RO, and Solomon MA. Training Paradigms in Critical Care Cardiology: A Scoping Review of Current Literature. JACC Adv, 3(3), DOI: 10.1016/j.jacadv.2024.100850, 2024.
Jentzer JC, Noseworthy PA, Kashou AH, May AM, Chrispin J, Kabra R, Arps K, Blumer V, Tisdale JE, and Solomon MA for the ACCC Critical Care Cardiology and Electrophysiology Sections. Multidisciplinary Critical Care Management of Electrical Storm: State-of-the-Art Review. J Am Coll Cardiol, 81(22): 2189-2206, 2023.
Brusca SB, Elinoff JM, Zou Y, Kang MK, Kong H, Demirkale CY, Sun J, Seifuddin F, Pirooznia M, Valantine HA, Tanba C, Chaturvedi A, Graninger GM, Harper B, Chen LY, Cole J, Kanwar M, Benza RL, Preston IR, Agbor-Enoh ST, and Solomon MA. Plasma Cell-free DNA Predicts Survival and Maps Tissue-specific Sources of Injury in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Circulation, 146(14): 1033–1045, 2022.
Brusca SB, Galiatsatos P, Warner S, Li X, Powell-Wiley TM, Kadri S, and Solomon MA. Outcomes of Patients with Primary Cardiac Diagnoses Admitted to Cardiac and Non-Cardiac Intensive Care Units. J Am Coll Cardio: Advance, 1 (4): 1–11, 2022.
Jentzer JC, Wiley BM, Reddy YNV, Barnett C, Borlaug BA, and Solomon MA. Epidemiology and Outcomes of Pulmonary Hypertension in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care, 11(3):230-241, 2022.
Lu M, Blaine KP, Cullinane A, Hall C, Dulau-Florea A, Sun J, Graninger GM, Harper BJ, Brusca SB, Elinoff JM, and Solomon MA. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Patients Display Normal Kinetics of Clot Formation. Pulm Circ, 11(3): 1-9, 2021.
Jentzer JC, Bihorac A, Brusca SB, Del Rio-Pertuz G, Kashani K, Kazory A, Kellum JA, Mao M, Moriyama B, Morrow DA, Patel H, Rali AK, van Diepen S, and Solomon MA for the Critical Care Cardiology Working Group of the Heart Failure and Transplant Section. Contemporary Management of Severe Acute Kidney Injury and Refractory Cardiorenal Syndrome. J Am Coll Cardio, 76(9): 1084-1101, 2020.
Elinoff JM, Mazer AJ, Cai R, Lu M, Graninger GM, Harper BJ, Ferreyra G, Sun J, Solomon MA*, and Danner RL*. Meta-analysis of Blood Genome-Wide Expression Profiling Studies in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 318(1): L98-L111, 2020 *Denotes Contributed Equally.
Brusca SB, Barnett C, Barnhart BJ, Weng W, Morrow DA, Soble JS, Katz JN, Wiley BM, van Diepen S, Gomez AD, and Solomon MA. The Role of Critical Care Medicine Training in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit: Survey Responses from Dual Certified Critical Care Cardiologists. Journal of the American Heart Association, 8(6): https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.118.011721 2019.
Alviar CL+, Miller PE+, van Diepen S, Katz JN, Soble JS, Lee B, Moriyama B, McAreavey D, Solomon MA*, and Morrow DA*. A Guide to Positive Pressure Ventilation in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit: Perspectives from the ACC Critical Care Cardiology Working Group. J Am Coll Cardiol. 72(13): 1532-1553, 2018. +*Denotes Contributed Equally.
Elinoff JM, Agarwal R, Barnett CF, Benza RL, Cuttica MJ, Gharib AM, Gray MP, Hassoun PM, Hemnes AR, Humbert M, Kolb TM, Lahm Y, Leopold JA, Mathai SC, McLaughlin VV, Preston IR, Rosenzweig EB, Shlobin OA, Steen VD, Zamanian RT, and Solomon MA. Challenges in Pulmonary Hypertension: Controversies in Treating the Tip of the Iceberg. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 198(2): 166-174, 2018.
Tropea MM, Harper BJA, Graninger GM, Phillips TM, Ferreyra G, Mostowski H, Danner RL, Suffredini AF, and Solomon MA. Isolation of a Circulating CD45-, CD34dim Cell Population and Validation of their Endothelial Origin. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 112(4): 770-80, 2014.
Elinoff JM, Forfia PR, Hall MK, Sun J, Gharib A, Abd-Elmoniem K, Graninger G, Harper B, Danner RL, and Solomon MA. A Pilot Study of the Effect of Spironolactone Therapy on Exercise Capacity and Endothelial Dysfunction in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Trials, 14:91, 2013.
Visit PubMed.gov for a full list of Dr. Solomon's publications.