Zampieri, PhD, PT
Research Physical Therapist
Incorporating eye movement training to standard balance and gait rehabilitation strategies, Dr. Cris Zampieri has pioneered the field of physical therapy for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.
BS, Universidade Estadual de Londrina
MS, Universidade Estadual Paulista
PhD, University of Minnesota
Dr. Zampieri received her Bachelors in Physical Therapy from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina in Brazil. She received her Masters in Human Movement Science from the Universidade Estadual Paulista in Brazil. She received her PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences from the University of Minnesota. She completed post-doctoral training in Movement Disorders at the University of Maryland and post-doctoral training in Gait and Posture at the Oregon Health and Sciences University.
Dr. Zampieri has worked as a research physical therapist in the Neurorehabilitation and Biomechanics Research Section at the NIH Clinical Center Rehabilitation Medicine Department for over 14 years.
Throughout her clinical research career, she has published more than 35 peer-reviewed manuscripts in well-established scientific journals.
Dr. Zampieri is dedicated to studies of gait and posture in children and adults with mobility and balance deficits. Her research focuses on outcome measures and rehabilitation of patients with neurological, neuro-muscular and/or genetic disorders.
- Henry Stonnington Award for review articles.
Granted by: Brain Injury Journal.
Article: Bland D, Zampieri C, Damiano D L. Effectiveness of physical therapy for improving gait and balance in mild to moderate brain injury: a systematic review. Brain Injury, 2011, 25(7-8):664-679. - Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Granted by: Graduate School, University of Minnesota
The scholarship is designated for outstanding final-year Ph.D. candidates who are making timely progress toward the degree.
Dates: September 2005 – September 2006 - Scholarship for PhD studies abroad Granted by: Brazilian Government CNPq
Scholarship designed to foster the scientific development of the country through the support of PhD studies abroad.
Dates: January 2001- January 2005
Croarkin E, Robinson K, Stanley C, Zampieri C. Training high level balance and stepping responses in atypical Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: a case report. Physiotherapy Practice and Research, 2022. Published Online.
Shrader JA, Sansare A, Shieh V, Woolstenhulme JG, Rekant J, Jiménez-Silva R, Joe GO, Kokkinis A, Fischbeck KH, Grunseich C, Zampieri C. Dynamic balance in Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy: relationship between strength and performance of forward lunge, step up and over and step quick turn. Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 2021. 8 pages, vol 2021. Article ID 2540324
Hildenbrand H, Wickstrom J, Parks R, Zampieri C, Nguyen, T, Thurm A, Jenkins K, Alter K, Matsubara J, Hammond D, Soldatos A, Porter FD, Dang Do A. Characterizing Upper Limb Function in the Context of ADLs in CLN3 Disease. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A. 2021, 185 A:1399-1413.
Row J, Chan L, Damiano D, Shenouda C, Collins J, Zampieri C. Balance Assessment in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Comparison of the Sensory Organization and Limits of Stability Tests. Journal of Neurotrauma, 2019, 36 (16).
Sansare AS, Zampieri C, Alter K, Stanley C, Farhat N, Keener, LA, Porter F. Gait, balance and coordination impairments in Niemann Pick Disease, Type C1. Journal of Child Neurology, 2018, 33 (1):114-124.
Chesler AT, Szcot M, Bharucha-Goebel D, Ceko M, Donkervoort S, Laubacher C, Hayes L H, Alter K, Zampieri C, Stanley C, Innes M, Mah JK, Grosmann C M, Bradley N, Nguyen D, Foley A R, Le Pichon CE, Bonnemann CG. The Role of PIEZO2 in Human Mecanosensation. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2016, 375 (14): 1355-1364.
Shrader J A, Kats I, Kokkinis A, Zampieri C, Levy E, Joe GO, Woolstenhulme JG, Drinkard BE, Smith MR, Ching W, Ghosh L, Fox D, Auh A, Schindler AB, Fischbeck K H, Grunseich C. A randomized controlled trial of exercise in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 2015, 2(7):739-747.
Zampieri C, Salarian A, Carlson-Kuhta P, Nutt J, Horak FB. Assessing mobility at home in people with early Parkinson’s Disease using an instrumented timed up and go test. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 2011, 17:77-280.
Zampieri C, Di Fabio RP. Improvement of Gaze Control Following Balance and Eye Movement Training in Patients with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 2009, 90(2): 263-270.
Zampieri C, Di Fabio RP. Balance and Eye Movement Training Improve Gait in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: a Randomized Clinical Trial. Physical Therapy, 2008, 88(12):1460-1473.