Maric, MD
Senior Research Physician
Staff Hematopathologist
Dr. Irina Maric is a Senior Research Physician specializing in hematopathology, with particular interest in rare chronic myeloproliferative diseases and plasma cell neoplasms.
MD, University of Belgrade
MSci, University of Belgrade
Dr. Maric is a Senior Research Physician and Staff Hematopathologist within the Hematology Service in the Department of Laboratory Medicine at the NIH Clinical Center.
She received her residency training in Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology at the George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C. and then proceeded to fellowship training in Hematopathology at the NCI Laboratory of Pathology. She is board certified in Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology specialties and Hematology subspecialty.
Dr. Maric has been a practicing hematopathologist in the Department of Laboratory Medicine since 2003. She has a special research interest in rare chronic myeloproliferative diseases, particularly chronic eosinophilic leukemia and systemic mastocytosis.
She has published over 110 peer-reviewed papers and four book chapters. She is a member of several Pathology and Hematology professional societies.
Dr. Maric is a recipient of multiple NIH awards. She is a reviewer for numerous scientific journals in the fields of Pathology and Hematology and is an editorial board member of Frontiers in Medicine. Dr. Maric is also an Attending and a Core Faculty for the NIH Hematopathology Fellowship Program.
- NIAID Merit Award, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, 2017
- Best Mentor Award, Clinical Center Summer Internship Program, National Institutes of Health, 2017
- Distinguished Clinical Teacher Award Nominee, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, 2015
- Clinical Center Director’s Award, National Institutes of Health, 2013
- Society for Hematopathology Award, United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 2004
- Harry C. Miller Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Urology, The George Washington University School of Medicine, 2002
- Frank N. Miller Award for Excellence, Department of Pathology, The George Washington University School of Medicine, 2001-2002
Maric I and Sun X. Advances in diagnosis of mastocytosis and hypereosinophilic syndrome. Sem Hematol. 56:22-29, 2019.
Kuang FL, Legrand F, Makiya M, Ware J, Wetzler L, Brown T, Magee T, Piligian B, Yoon P, Ellis JH, Sun X, Panch SR, Powers A, Alao H, Kumar S, Quezado M, Yan L, Lee N, Kolbeck R, Newbold P, Goldman M, Fay MP, Khoury P, Maric I, Klion AD. Benralizumab for PDGFRA-Negative Hypereosinophilic Syndrome. N Engl J Med. 380:1336-1346, 2019.
Carter MC, Bai Y, Ruiz-Esteves KN, Scott LM, Cantave D, Bolan H, Eisch R, Sun X, Hahn J, Maric I, Metcalfe DD. Detection of KIT D816V in peripheral blood of children with manifestations of cutaneous mastocytosis suggests systemic disease. Br J Haematol. 183:775-782, 2018.
Brudno JN, Maric I, Hartman SD, Rose JJ, Wang M, Lam N, Stetler-Stevenson M, Salem D, Yuan C, Pavletic S, Kanakry JA, Ali SA, Mikkilineni L, Feldman SA, Stroncek DF, Hansen BG, Lawrence J, Patel R, Hakim F, Gress RE, Kochenderfer JN. T Cells Genetically Modified to Express an Anti-B-Cell Maturation Antigen Chimeric Antigen Receptor Cause Remissions of Poor-Prognosis Relapsed Multiple Myeloma. J Clin Oncol. 36:2267-2280, 2018.
Carter MC, Desai A, Komarow HD, Bai Y, Clayton ST, Clark AS, Ruiz-Esteves KN, Long LM, Cantave D, Wilson TM, Scott LM, Simakova O, Jung MY, Hahn J, Maric I, Metcalfe DD. A distinct biomolecular profile identifies monoclonal mast cell disorders in patients with idiopathic anaphylaxis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 141:180-188, 2018.
Panch SR, Bozik ME, Brown T, Makiya M, Prussin C, Archibald DG, Hebrank GT, Sullivan M, Sun X, Wetzler L, Ware J, Fay MP, Dunbar CE, Dworetzky SI, Khoury P, Maric I, Klion AD. Dexpramipexole as an oral steroid-sparing agent in hypereosinophilic syndromes. Blood. 132:501-509, 2018.
Xie Y, Pittaluga S, Price S, Raffeld M, Hahn J, Jaffe ES, Rao VK, Maric I. Bone marrow findings in autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome with germline FAS mutation. Haematologica. 102:364-372, 2017.
Korde N, Zhang Y, Loeliger K, Poon A, Simakova O, Zingone A, Costello R, Childs R, Noel P, Silver S, Kwok M, Mo C, Young N, Landgren O, Sloand E, Maric I. Monoclonal gammopathy-associated pure red cell aplasia. Br J Haematol. 173:876-883, 2016.
Maric I. CD30-targeting drugs: cure for mastocytosis? Blood 126:2771-2773, 2015.
Acosta-Alvear D, Cho MY, Wild T, Buchholz TJ, Lerner AG, Simakova O, Hahn J, Korde N, Landgren O, Maric I, Choudhary C, Walter P, Weissman JS, Kampmann M. Paradoxical resistance of multiple myeloma to proteasome inhibitors by decreased levels of 19S proteasomal subunits. E-life. Sep 1;4:e08153, 2015.
Carter MC, Metcalfe DD, Clark AS, Wayne AS, Maric I. Abnormal bone marrow histopathology in paediatric mastocytosis. Br J Haematol. 168:865-873, 2015.