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Anthony F. Suffredini, MD


Anthony F. Suffredini, MD

Deputy Chief, Critical Care Medicine Department
Medical Director, Critical Care Therapy and Respiratory Care Section
Director, Intensive Care Unit Stat Laboratory

Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Anthony F. Suffredini directed the development of point-of-care ultrasound in the Critical Care Medicine Department's ICU and has helped to provide regular didactic and hands-on training for members of the department.

BA, Boston University
MD, University of Connecticut

Dr. Suffredini came to the Clinical Center in 1984 as a medical staff fellow in the Critical Care Medicine Department. He has held his current position as senior investigator since 1989.

Dr. Suffredini completed his undergraduate studies at Boston University. He attended the University of Rome School of Medicine and graduated from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. He then completed an internship and residency in internal medicine at the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, and a fellowship in Critical Care Medicine at the University Health Center of Pittsburgh.

Because of the clinical problem of pulmonary opportunistic infections, his lab group is investigating novel means of detecting pathogens in bronchoalveolar lavage using proteomic methodology. A major on-going collaborative project is investigating the effects of inhaled cyclosporine in hematopoietic stem cell or lung transplant patients with bronchiolitis obliterans.

Dr. Suffredini directed the development of point-of-care ultrasound in the CCMD ICU and has helped to provide regular didactic and hands-on training for members of the department. Dr. Suffredini served one five year term as Associate Editor, American Journal of Respiratory Diseases and Critical Care.

He directs the Clinical Center Endotoxin Repository, which for the last 12 years has been the sole world source of endotoxin for human studies. It has provided endotoxin to over 60 different investigators from biopharmaceutical firms, clinical research facilities, and academic centers as a means to study mechanisms of inflammation, proof of principle for evaluation of novel pharmaceutical or biologic agents, and as an immunoadjuvant for immunotherapy trials of cancer.

He is a co-founder of the Functional Genomics Section and director of the Clinical Proteomics Group in the Critical Care Medicine Department.

He is a founding member and serves on the Organizing Committee of the United States Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group (USCIITG).

See his Intramural Research Program bio page.

  • NIH Director's Award, 2007
  • NIH Clinical Center Director's Award, 2014
  • NIH Clinical Center Director's Award, 2010
  • NIH Clinical Center Director's Award, 2004
  • USPHS Outstanding Unit Citation, 2004
  • NIH Clinical Center Director's Award, 1999
  • President's Award: Society of Critical Care Medicine, 1999
  • NIH Clinical Center Director's Award, 1998
  • President's Award: Society of Critical Care Medicine, 1998
  • Fellows Award for Research Excellence, NIH Clinical Center, 1998
  • President's Award: Society of Critical Care Medicine, 1997
  • Fellows Award for Research Excellence, NIH Clinical Center, 1997
  • USPHS Commendation, 1997
  • President's Award: Society of Critical Care Medicine, 1996
  • USPHS Outstanding Unit Citation, 1994
  • USPHS Commendation, 1994
  • American Federation for Clinical Research, Henry Christian Award for Excellence in Research Presentation, 1990
  • USPHS Outstanding Unit Citation, 1991
  • USPHS Commendation, 1991
  • USPHS Unit Commendation, 1991

Books and Book Chapters

Suffredini AF, Cobb JP. Genetic and molecular expression patterns in critical illness and injury (Chapt 41.3). In the: Oxford Textbook of Critical Care Medicine. Webb A, Angus D, Finfer S, Gattinoni L, Singer M (eds) Oxford University Press. 2016

Munford RS, Suffredini AF. Sepsis, Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock (Chapter 70). In Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: (Bennett JE, Dolin R, Blaser MJ eds.) 8th Edition, Elsevier, 2015; pp 914-934.

Journal Articles

Suffredini AF. A Role for Hydrocortisone Therapy in Septic Shock? (editorial) N Engl J Med 2018;378(9):860-861.

Wang H, Drake SK, Youn JH, Rosenberg AZ, Chen Y, Gucek M, Suffredini AF, Dekker JP. Peptide Markers for Rapid Detection of KPC Carbapenemase by LC-MS/MS. Sci Rep 2017;7(1):2531.

Wang H, Drake SK, Yong C, Gucek M, Lyes MA, Rosenberg AZ, Soderblom E, Arthur Moseley M, Dekker JP, Suffredini AF. A Genoproteomic Approach to Detect Peptide Markers of Bacterial Respiratory Pathogens. Clin Chem 2017;63(8):1398-1408.

Narute P, Seam N, Tropea M, Logun C, Cai R, Sun J, Shelhamer JH, Meduri GU, Suffredini AF. Temporal Changes in Microrna Expression in Blood Leukocytes from Patients with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Shock 2017;47(6):688-695.

Seam N, Suffredini AF. Steroids are part of rescue therapy in ARDS patients with refractory hypoxemia: we are not sure. Intensive Care Med 2016;42(5):924-927.

Kadri SS, Miller AC, Hohmann S, Bonne S, Nielsen C, Wells C, Gruver C, Quraishi SA, Sun J, Cai R, Morris PE, Freeman BD, Holmes JH, Cairns BA, Suffredini AF. Risk Factors for In-Hospital Mortality in Smoke Inhalation-Associated Acute Lung Injury: Data From 68 United States Hospitals. Chest 2016;150(6):1260-1268.

Torabi-Parizi P, Davey RT, Jr., Suffredini AF, Chertow DS. Ethical and practical considerations in providing critical care to patients with Ebola virus disease. Chest 2015;147(6):1460-1466.

Suffredini AF. Caring for Critically Ill Ebola Virus Disease Patients With One Hand Tied Behind Your Back. Crit Care Med 2015;43(10):2249-2250.

Suffredini AF, Noveck RJ. Human endotoxin administration as an experimental model in drug development. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2014;96(4):418-422.

Elinoff JM, Bagci U, Moriyama B, Dreiling JL, Foster B, Gormley NJ, Salit RB, Cai R, Sun J, Beri A, Reda DJ, Fakhrejahani F, Battiwalla M, Baird K, Cuellar-Rodriguez JM, Kang EM, Pavletic SZ, Fowler DH, John Barrett A, Lozier JN, Kleiner DE Jr, Mollura DJ, Childs RW, Suffredini AF. Recombinant human factor VIIa for alveolar hemorrhage following allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2014;20(7):969-978.

Elinoff JM, Bagci U, Moriyama B, Dreiling JL, Foster B, Gormley NJ, Salit RB, Cai R, Sun J, Beri A, Reda DJ, Fakhrejahani F, Battiwalla M, Baird K, Cuellar-Rodriguez JM, Kang EM, Pavletic SZ, Fowler DH, Barrett AJ, Lozier JN, Kleiner, Jr. DE, Mollura DJ, Childs RW, and Suffredini AF. Recombinant Human Factor VIIa for Alveolar Hemorrhage Following Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transpl 2014; 20: 969-78.

Tropea MM, Harper BJ, Graninger GM, Phillips TM, Ferreyra G, Mostowski HS, Danner RL, Suffredini AF, Solomon MA. Isolation of a circulating CD45-, CD34dim cell population and validation of their endothelial phenotype. Thromb Haemost. 2014;112:770-80.

Miller AC, Elamin EM, Suffredini AF. Inhaled anticoagulation regimens for the treatment of smoke inhalation-associated acute lung injury: a systematic review. Crit Care Med. 2014;42:413-9.

Nyquist PA, Wang H, Suffredini AF. Protein biomarkers in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage, vasospasm, and delayed ischemic neurological deficits. Acta Neurochir Suppl 2013; 115: 23 -5.

Seam N, Meduri GU, Wang H, Nylen ES, Sun J, Schultz MJ, Tropea M, Suffredini AF. Effects of methylprednisolone infusion on markers of inflammation, coagulation and angiogenesis in early ARDS. Crit Care Med 2012: 40; 495 – 501.

DeGraba TJ, Hoehn GT, Nyquist PA, Wang H, Kenney R, Gonzales DA, KernSJ, Ying S-X, Munson PJ, Suffredini AF. Biomarker discovery in serum of patients with carotid atherosclerosis. Cerebrovasc Dis Extra 2011;1:115-129.

Suffredini AF, Munford RS. Novel therapies for septic shock over the past 4 decades. JAMA. 2011 Jul 13;306(2):194-9.

Gonzáles DA, De Torre C, Wang H, Devor CB, Munson PJ, Ying S-X, Kern SJ, Petraitiene R, Walsh TJ, and Suffredini AF. Protein expression profiles distinguish between experimental infectious pulmonary aspergillosis and Pseudomonas pneumonia. Proteomics 2010;10: 4270-4280.

Ding Y, Gao ZG, Jacobson KA and Suffredini AF. Dexamethasone enhances ATP-induced inflammatory responses in endothelial cells. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2010; 335: 693-702.

Burbelo PD, Seam N, Groot S, Ching KH, Han BL, Meduri GU, Iadarola MJ, and Suffredini AF. Rapid induction of autoantibodies during ARDS and septic shock. J Transl Med 2010;8:97.

Visit for a full list of Dr. Suffredini's publications.