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Collins looks to Clinical Center's past, present and future

Clinical Center News

70th anniversary Grand Rounds lecture features former NIH director

headshot of former NIH director Dr. Francis S. Collins

70th Anniversary Grand Rounds Lecture
Seven Decades at the Forefront of Medical Research: The NIH Clinical Center
June 28, 2023
1 pm in the Lipsett Amphitheater (limited seating) and available online

Former NIH Director, Dr. Francis S. Collins, presented this year's 70th anniversary Grand Rounds lecture on the critical role the NIH plays in in medical research. Titled Seven Decades at the Forefront of Medical Research: The NIH Clinical Center, this was his first time speaking to an NIH-wide audience since December 2021.

For 70 years, people of all ages and backgrounds have come to the Clinical Center, also called the “House of Hope,” seeking answers that routine medicine could not provide. Those patients have been our most important partners. This lecture - surveying the last seven decades - is dedicated to them, seeking to learn from the past to empower the future.

Collins, a senior investigator for the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and special advisor to President Biden for Special Projects, is a renowned physician and geneticist who discovered the genes associated with a number of diseases and led the Human Genome Project. He was NIH Director from 2009 to 2021, serving under three presidents over 12 years. Clinical Center CEO Dr. James Gilman will introduce Collins.

The NIH Clinical Center Grand Rounds program offers its audience a wide variety of topics from a diverse group of speakers to not only help them remain current on the latest advances in medicine, but to also assist them as they continue to grow professionally. All physicians, clinicians, biomedical researchers, nurses, and all other healthcare professionals within and outside the NIH community are welcomed to attend.