Short term disruptions ahead of improvements at NIH

Cranes and fresh asphalt are appearing around the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center as the NIH prepares for a bout of construction on campus.
From now until 2028, the NIH campus will be in flux with street and lane closures accommodating construction crews as roads and facilities are improved.
Some of the changes include traffic adjustments to help vehicles flow on and off campus; modified traffic light timing on highway MD 187; a new, dedicated roadway for Safra Family Lodge and Building 60; closures of Convent and Center Drives to general campus traffic and reduced access to parking in some parts of the campus.
The NIH Office of Research Services and the Office of Facilities will be revising and updating signage to clearly communicate these changes as they’re implemented.
Be up to date before you get to campus, visit to see the latest developments and help you navigate as things change.
- Donovan Kuehn