Many of the patients participating in clinical trials at the NIH Clinical Center rely on a steady supply of blood or blood products.
There is no substitute for human blood and it cannot be manufactured. People are the only source of blood. It's a gift from one person to another!
There is a continuous need for blood, platelets, plasma, cryoprecipitate and granulocytes to support Clinical Center patients receiving treatments at the hospital.
The NIH Blood Bank is very grateful to all who make the life-saving choice to donate blood products, said Dr. Kamille West-Mitchell, chief of the Blood Services Section. She always takes the opportunity to express her appreciation for the generosity of NIH blood and platelet donors.
"We also wanted to acknowledge some of our dedicated donors who reached impressive milestones during the first half of 2022," said West-Mitchell.
Dr. Carol Scott
Dr. Carol Scott has three decades of generosity and dedication to patient care! She marked an amazing milestone on June 20, her 100th blood donation in support of the Clinical Center patients.
David Hunter
David Hunter recently retired from decades-long service to the NIH, but he hasn't retired from saving lives with the NIH Blood Bank. He made his 100th blood donation on June 22.
Steven Bailey
Congratulations to Steven Bailey on his 100th blood donation in support of our NIH Clinical Center patients! Steven celebrated his milestone blood donation on May 23.
Robert Tarone
It is very rare that the NIH Blood Bank has a donor that makes the Hall of Fame for both blood and platelet donations. Robert Tarone can be added to that elite list of donors. He has been donating platelets since 2011 and made his 100th platelet donation April 13. He has also made more than 100 blood donations.
Kristen Bogacki
Kristen Bogacki made her first ever blood donation on April 6. NIH Blood bank staff were thrilled that she chose their facility for this milestone and hope to see her for future donations.
John Buchanan, Jr.
John Buchanan Jr. has been a committed blood donor with the NIH Blood Bank since the early 90s. March 22 marked his 100th blood donation.
Col. Stephen Beardsley
A steadfast platelet and granulocyte donor with the NIH since 2012, Col. Stephen Beardsley has also demonstrated his commitment to Clinical Center patients. Feb. 28 marked his 100th platelet donation!
"Simply put, without dedicated blood donors such as these amazing people, we would not be able to support our Clinical Center patients!" added West-Mitchell.
Make a Difference
You too can make a difference by donating blood or blood products in your local area. In the Washington metro area please call 301.496.1048 to donate blood at the NIH Blood Bank. Outside of the Washington metro area, call 1.800.733.2767, to find a local blood drive.
To learn more about the Platelet Apheresis Donor Program or to make an appointment to enroll, call the Platelet Apheresis Donor Program Coordinator at 301.496.4321.
To learn more about the Research Donor Program or to make an appointment to enroll, call the Research Donor Program Coordinator at 301.496.0092.
- Cindy Fisher