The Office of Patient Recruitment is looking for patients and healthy volunteers for hundreds of research studies
Researchers Looking at Asthma and Allergies in African Americans (Study 19-HG-0092)
People of African ancestry have a higher incidence of asthma and allergic diseases compared to other population groups. Researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute are investigating whether there is a genetic cause for this. Understanding the role that genes play may someday lead to better treatments for these conditions. Consider volunteering, if you are at least 18 years of age and self-identify as Black, African, African American or African Caribbean—both healthy volunteers and adults diagnosed with asthma are needed. For more information, contact our Office of Patient Recruitment at 866-444-2214 (800-877-8339 TTY/ASII) or Refer to Study 19-HG-0092.
Study for Patients With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (Study 19-H-0111)
NIH is studying changes in the genetic makeup during venetoclax therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients in need of treatment. Patients will be treated at the NIH during the ramp-up phase of venetoclax (typically five weeks) and then transitioned to the care of their local hematologist/oncologist for continued treatment. There is no charge for study-related tests, procedures or medications at NIH. Following ramp-up, patients will be followed at NIH every six months. To learn more, call the NIH Clinical Center Office of Patient Recruitment at 1-800-411-1222. Travel assistance may be provided. Refer to Study 19-H-0111.
NIH Researchers Study Fanconi Anemia (Study 17-H-0121)
NHLBI researchers need volunteers at least two years old with Fanconi anemia to participate in a study looking to help investigate a treatment to improve blood counts. Compensation for travel is provided. Study-related tests are provided at no cost and results are shared with you and your doctor. Call the Office of Patient Recruitment at 1-866-444-2214 (TTY 1-866-411-1010). Refer to Study 17-H-0121.
Doctors Assessing how Dopamine Impacts Weight and Eating Behavior (Study 18-DK-0132)
NIDDK researchers seek healthy volunteers (18-45 years old) to participate in a study investigating how dopamine affects body weight and eating behavior. Participants must be able to visit the Clinical Center for five consecutive days to pick up food and then have a 5-day inpatient stay. For more information, call the NIH Clinical Center Office of Patient Recruitment at 866-444-2214 (800-877-8339 TTY/ASCII) or Refer to Study 18-DK-0132.