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CC holds "Torch Run" event to kick-off annual CFC campaign

Clinical Center News

Molly Deol participates in CFC Torch Run as torchbearer
Molly Deol, chief of the Office of Employee Ethics, participated as torchbearer.

The Clinical Center Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) kicked off with a "Torch Run" Oct. 29 in the atrium. The CFC annual campaign collects charitable donations from federal employees to support charities and causes of each donor's choice. Clinical Center staff used CFC flags to cheer on the torchbearers and to support the "Show Some Love" campaign. Many department heads participated as torchbearers and "lit their way" in support of the charities and those they serve. The CFC torch was then placed in the office of the CEO.

In addition to the "Torch Run" kick-off event, the Clinical Center CFC committee organized a Candy Grams mail service in December. It allowed staff to send a message to a colleague using a note card which was then placed in a CFC labeled envelope with a candy cane attached. It was later delivered by a Core Member or Keyworker. Close to 420 Candy Grams envelopes were distributed in the Clinical Center during 3rd week of December.

Tricia Coffey participates in CFC Torch Run as torchbearer
Tricia Coffey, chief of the Health Information Management department participated as torchbearers.
3NW staff opens Candy Grams mail
Jennifer Brooks (left), Mica Koranten, 3NW nurses open the letter they received through the CFC Candy Grams mail.
Kathy Baxley (left) and Dr. Andrew Mannes participate in CFC Torch Run as torchbearers
The chiefs of several hospital department, including Kathy Baxley (left), chief of the Social Work department and Dr. Andrew Mannes, chief of the Perioperative Medicine, participated as torchbearers.
Pius opens Candy Grams mail
Pius Aiyelawo, Clinical Center Chief Operating Officer received Happy Holidays wishes through the CFC Candy Grams mail.

The Clinical Center's CFC goal is to raise $125,000. Special thanks to Bonnie Hodsdon for leading this year's Clinical Center CFC Campaign. CFC 2019 ends Jan. 12, 2020 (with no extensions!).

View photos from the "Torch Run" (NIH only) and additional information on the CFC.

- Maria Maslennikov