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Third annual CEO Awards ceremony honors dedicated Clinical Center staff

Clinical Center News

Dr. James Gilman and Stanley Hess
Dr. James Gilman honors Stanley Hess for the development of a scheduling system for the OP8 Clinic that improved patient flow, communication and safety.

In December, Dr. James Gilman, CEO of the NIH Clinical Center, proudly presented awards to 44 individual NIH staff members and groups consisting of over 400 employees for their leadership, outstanding service and achievements during the past year.

This gathering was the third annual Clinical Center CEO Awards ceremony, recognizing staff members who demonstrated leadership and outstanding service in 2019.

Staff were honored for accomplishments such as:

  • Dedicated service and collaborative efforts following a major steam pipe issue;
  • Improvements to patient safety and optimizing operations;
  • Innovative research that improved medical practices;
  • Providing exceptional customer service to other departments;
  • Assuring smooth operations through efficient management practices; and
  • Successful mentoring initiatives.

"I love having this event to honor our staff," Gilman said. "We all do things for patients and for the Clinical Center, but I enjoy getting a chance to do something for our staff, and to recognize their dedication."

Gilman gave a special CEO Award to the participants in the NIH Project SEARCH program, for their dedication and enthusiasm. Project SEARCH is a program providing education and training to young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Clinical Center offers a 30-week internship program to participants.

NIH Staff, view more about the awards (NIH Only), including the program (NIH Only), ceremony photos and reception photos.

Cell Therapy Facility Remediation Team
Dr. James Gilman honors the Cell Therapy Facility Remediation Team for their successful development and implementation of a system for facility remediation during a crisis.

- Debbie Accame