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Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion Symposium and Red Cell Genotyping Symposium go virtual in 2020

Clinical Center News

Thirty-Ninth Annual Symposium Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion. September 10, 2020. National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Department of Transfusion Medicine and The American Red Cross
Image of Sept.10 Symposium flyer.
Red Cell Genotyping 20/20 Visionary Solutions Flyer
Image of Sept. 9 Symposium flyer.
39th Annual Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion Symposium

The 39th Annual Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion Symposium was held virtually September 10.

It covered the current topic of COVID-19 in addition to transfusion triggers, transfusion practices in developing countries and benefits of freeze-dried platelets.

Nancy Heddle from McMaster University, Ontario received the Richard J. Davey (RJD), MD Lectureship Award and gave a presentation entitled "Clinical Research Before, During, and After COVID 19."

10th Annual Red Cell Genotyping 2020 Symposium

The 10th Annual Red Cell Genotyping 2020 Symposium also took place virtually September 9.

The event provided discussion on how advances in molecular immunohematology are changing patient care, affecting clinical studies and addressing the need for rare blood.

Speakers from across the world, Professor Erica Wood (Australia) and Professor Eva Hellstrøm-Lindberg (Sweden), joined Professor Gerd Blobel (Frank E. Weise III Professor of Pediatrics, UPenn), Dr. Gregory A Denomme (Milwaukee) and the NIH Clinical Center Department of Transfusion Medicines Drs. Ongkeko, Srivastava and Flegel.

- Submitted by The NIH Clinical Center Department of Transfusion Medicine