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Volunteer for a clinical trial and make a difference in the health of the nation

Clinical Center News

For more information on trials listed below, or to learn about other available opportunities to participate in research studies, call the NIH Clinical Center Office of Patient Recruitment 1-866-444-2214, TTY: 1-866-411-1010. Or email Se habla español.

If you or someone you know is drinking too much, the NIH may be able to help. NIAAA conducts studies on how alcohol affects the body and are looking for new ways to treat alcohol problems. If you qualify, you can receive alcoholism treatment at no-cost while you participate in our research. Compensation may also be provided. Refer to Study # 14-AA-0181.

Man looking at an alcoholic drink

NIDDK Researchers seek volunteers to participate in a research study. For 30 weeks, participants will receive a medication called semaglutide (typically used for Type 2 diabetes), aiming to improve their liver disease and help them lose weight. The study hopes to understand liver damage and its treatment in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) or non-alcoholic steatohepatits (NASH) Compensation is provided. Refer to Study # 19-DK-0072.

Older man with older woman smiling

NCI Researchers seek men who have a genetic mutation that puts them at a high risk for prostate cancer to join their clinical trial. Eligible participants are 30 to 70 year old men without prostate cancer and have a documented gene mutation. Partner with us in research to help prevent and find better treatment options for prostate cancer. Refer to Study # 19-C-0040.

four men smiling

NIAID is seeking individuals who have Crohn's disease where current or previous treatments have not worked to control your symptoms. Researchers are testing an investigational medication that may control the inflammation and symptoms of Crohn's disease. Study-related tests, medication, and procedures are provided at no cost. Compensation may be provided for certain research-related procedures. Refer to Study # 17-I-0101.

person holding their stomach

VRC researchers seek healthy volunteers, 18-50 years old for a study evaluating an investigational vaccine that targets HIV. Compensation is provided. There is no risk of infection. Refer to Study # 19-I-0031.

Red Ribbon

NICHD researchers seek individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) for participation. Now enrolling children up to year 12 and people with OI of any age who were previously seen at NIH. Refer to Study # 18-CH-0120.

barcode near vial that says osteogenesis imperfecta

NINR seeks research participants who have experienced a mild to moderate head injury in the last 30 days. The aim of the research is to explore why some people with a head injury go on to develop other conditions such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder or post-concussion disorder. Compensation is provided. Refer to Study # 14-NR-0032.

Man in fatigues talking to care provider

NINDS researchers seek healthy volunteers, 18-34 years old, to participate in a study to explore patterns of brain activity that occur during sleep. You will have two overnight sleep studies where you will sleep in the MRI. Compensation will be provided. Refer to NIH Study # 16-N-0031.

Woman looking at scans

- Submitted by the NIH Clinical Center Office of Patient Recruitment