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NIH Clinical Research Nursing Residency Program earn Accreditation with Distinction as a Practice Transition Program

Clinical Center News

Sixteen women, graduates of the program and departmental leaders, gather for a photo
Members of the NIH Clinical Research Nursing Residency Program cohorts 1 through 5, along with departmental and program leadership, celebrate the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Transition to Practice Program Accreditation with Distinction.

In late May, the NIH Clinical Research Nursing Residency Program was awarded 'Accreditation with Distinction' as a Practice Transition Program from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. The Clinical Research Nursing Residency Program is the first such program in the state of Maryland, and only the second federal facility in the country, to earn this honor.

The program, geared specifically to nurses who have just graduated school, offers transition support and clinical and research focused education for those who wish to begin a career in clinical research nursing. Since the program began in 2013, 30 nurses from four cohorts have graduated. Ten more, from cohort five, will complete their session in October. Graduates of the program have excelled in leadership roles and continue to thrive in their clinical specialty and within the clinical research environment.

Three young nurses, in scrubs, stand in a line as another woman places a pin on their shirt
The original class of the NIH Clinical Research Nursing Residency Program, receive a residency pin. Heather Moorman, Kelly White and Alex Classen are pinned by Rachel Perkins, Clinical Research Nursing Residency Program Coordinator.
Eight female Clinical Research Nursing Residency Program representatives gather for a photo
Clinical Center staff who graduated the NIH Clinical Research Nursing Residency Program gather at the recognition ceremony: Alex Classen, Christina Luckett, Kelly White, Mary Lacy Grecco, Heather Moorman, Katie Townsend, Shani Scott and Lonice Carter.